thirtytwo .

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~ Word Count: 2.9k

Third POV

A shower of knocks resonated from the other side of the door. A woman with blue hair wrapped in a messy bun manages to reach the front door without waking up the infant child snuggled in her arms.

"How can I help- HEY! Why are you here all of a sudden?! Didn't I tell you- oii listen to me for once!"

The caramel brunette happily skips inside, passing by her friend who gave up stopping her. The brunette's nose instinctively follows a trail of maple sweetness. Janene heaves a tired sigh, closing the front door and locks it.

"Ooo~ something smells yummy! I hope there's enough for one more plate!" Yuuki pursued her search for the source of that treasure smell.

"Well we just finished breakfast so you can eat whatever is leftover, I guess."

The bluenette sits down at the end of the table as she watches the bubbly young girl serve herself the last stack of pancakes left on the middle of the table. Her arm reaches forward to grab the glass jar meant for pouring syrup to glaze her second round of breakfast.

"Did you even eat before coming here?" Janene perks a brow at the girl.

Yuuki takes a bite and swallows, "Yup!"

"Then why are you eating again?"

"A bowl of yogurt is not enough to fill me up." She says as she chews.

With her arms full with a small human being, she uses her foot to nudge warningly at the brunette's shin beside her. "Don't talk while eating. It's gross and that's basic table manners, child."

Yuuki ignores her nagging and continues chowing down her food with a content smile. "Anyways, why are you here visiting unannounced, again." She narrows down at the young girl.

The brunette shrugs, creating another cut of her last pancake. "Why not? It's like a routine for me. I thought you'd get used to it by now."

"I wish it wasn't." Janene sighs again. "But seriously why did you come?"

"I wanted your opinion on something."


"- Hey where are the 10 munchkins at? It sounds too quiet and it's a Saturday today." Yuuki peers behind Janene's head at the hallway that leads to the common room, then lifts up the table cloth to look underneath.

The bluenette rolls her eyes and nudges her shin again. "Of course they won't be under the table, weirdo. A friend of mine volunteered to take the rambunctious group to that popular children's park 20 minutes away from here. Except for Dee, the poor child caught a fever this morning while everyone was rounding up to leave."

Yuuki stops mid-chew and frowns, sad to hear that one of the kids cannot participate in the rare opportunistic fun. The young girl hurriedly finishes her food and stands up from her seat to jog to where the sick one is resting. Janene watches her instantly run to Dee, remaining where she seated to not stir Yukino.

The brunette reaches in front of the door frame that displayed the names that inhabit the room. Yuuki softly knocks before walking to kneel beside a purple fuzzball head. A pair of green eyes flutters open, a small fist rubbing one of her eyes.

"Yu-neechan? Is that you?" Dee mumbles, sleep still evident in her voice.

"That's correct, my little princess munchkin!" Yuuki giggles, gently ruffling the already fuzzy head.

"B-but why are you here?" The young child tries to sit up but gives up when she feels her body straining to stay back in bed.

For a second Yuuki's mouth frowns, her heart pangs at the sight of Dee lacking any energy and strength to move. But she bites the inside of her cheek, reminding herself to keep smiling for Dee's sake.

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