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Third POV

Episode 3 ~

~ Word Count: 3k

Streaks of sunlight seeps through the curtains with birds singing outside the balcony window. Leaves whistled along with the soft breeze.

Inside, a particular caramel brunette was abruptly woken up to her sister aggressively shaking her body and sounds of squeaking near her ear. The young girl rubs her eyes and groaned in annoyance.

"Do you know what day it is?" Ema scolds, disappointed that her own responsible sister would be the last to wake up late.

"Uh, the weekend?" Yuuki mumbles, still half-asleep.

"And do you even know what time it is?! I can't believe you out of everyone is just now waking up, jeez. How irresponsible can you be all of a sudden, Yu?" squeaked a irritated Juli.

Yuuki sits up in bed while holding onto the side of her head from dizziness.

"Why are you two being super annoying this early in the morning-"

"WE HAVE A WEDDING TO GO TO!" shouted Juli, now tugging the collars of Yuuki's shirt.

Once reality finally shot the delayed caramel brunette, her eyes widen in panic. She scurried out of bed and rambled off about how Juli was right on her irresponsible and senseless mentality.

Ema sighs, shaking her head in disbelief. As her eyes settled on the ground, she notices crumpled up pieces of paper beside her and splattered pens surrounding Yuuki's table. The twin brunette glances up at her sister's face, discovering dark circles pooled beneath her eyes and lack of color that has been washed off her face.

"What time did you sleep? Or how much sleep did you manage to get, onee-chan?" Ema softly asks with concerned filled eyes.

Yuuki stops rummaging through her closet to think. She places a finger to her chin, trying to remember what time did she sleep or how did she managed to be in this mess at the start of this special day.

Then it hit her.

Yuuki glances down at the floor but switches her direction back fully facing her opened closet. She did not want her sister to know what she was working on just yet.

"I do know that if I shower really quick and scan through my closet again for my outfit, we'll be able to make it to the chapel" Yuuki grinned, purposely dismissing the question.

Ema sighed again as she stood up from Yuuki's bed. Before leaving her sister's room, she glances back at her sister, "I guess i'll tell the others that we won't be able to ride with them and we'll instead meet them there."

Yuuki grabs her towel and random pair of clothes to change into. She looks back at her innocent sister and gave a thumbs up at her plan.

Ema leaves the room while Juli stays in Yuuki's bedroom, in case one of the lingering guys might see her change into the dress.

Last night, Yuuki spent the majority of the night composing not only one song, but two. She thought one was not enough. She believed she should spare the second one as a more special gift for the family in general.

Yuuki knew no one has ever heard her music before, or in a very long time. So she thought it would be a great chance for her to let an unknown audience listen while she hides in the shadows, enjoying the crowd's reaction.

Downstairs, Ema was at the front of the house talking to Masaomi. Wataru and Masaomi were surprised to see Ema not dressed yet while everyone else was.

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