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Episode 5 ~

~ Word Count: 4.2k

*Knock knock*

The door carefully creaks open, footsteps creeping inside the quiet dimly lit room. A hand plants themselves on top of a blazing forehead, sweat profusely drips down the sides of their face.

A particular blonde monk notices their chest heaving slightly, as if struggling to strive for air. He bends down to unbutton their shirt, however his hands seemed to stir awake the ill person before him.


The now fully awake young girl clutches onto her shirt, scooting away from the blonde male standing in front of her bedside. She quickly grabs a pillow to throw at the predator before her.

"Aww, imouto-chan. Good morning to you too, sweetheart." He smiles, as if not affected by her screams.

"What are you *coughs* doing in my r-room, you lewd monk! Get out!" Yuuki hisses, enveloping herself with her blanket to defend herself from a certain pervert in the house.

"That's unfair, your prince charming came to rescue you from your terrible fever."

Yuuki grimaced, an annoyed sigh escaped her lips. She knows she doesn't have the strength to punch a monk at full power at the moment.

"Aww, how dare I harm my one and only prince. You must be hurt, here lemme kiss the spot I hit as an apology."

Kaname perks a grin, leaning closer to the sickly girl. As his face neared hers, he suddenly felt something slam his cheek, most definitely not her promised lips. He glares at the young girl, who smirks unapologetically.

"Oh no, what a shame. Why is my prince charming, who was supposed to save me from my fever, become so weak? Are you possibly a reject?" Yuuki playfully gasps, her hand hiding her sly smirk.

The blonde monk rolls his eyes, taking a step back from the young girl. "Oh my poor imouto-chan. I was requested to feed you, so I brought some lovely snacks for the sickly maid."

"M-maid?" Yuuki grimaced with a scowl.

"Here, since I heard you're so frail, I will feed you. Now, here's a lovely banana to boost your metabolism."

Yuuki watches Kaname attempt to shove the banana in her face but she swiftly reverses his handheld banana towards the owner's instead. "Mhm, so good. Thank you, onii-chan~!" The caramel brunette stifles a laugh.

Kaname coughs, scowling at the way she tricked him. However, he won't let the young girl win.

"I also brought pineapple slices. I heard that pineapples are a good source for women's hormones—"

"Listen, lewd monk, I'd rather drink some delicious bleach than be groomed by a lecherous fraud monk yourself—"

"My, our imouto-chan is so thoughtful. No wonder you're a valuable treasure to us all."

The young girl groans, laying back and turning away from the blonde monk. "Just tell someone else to come back. I would like to keep my sanity, if you may."

Kaname rolls his eyes but gladly bows, leaving her room but made sure to slam the door on his way out.


"How is she? Still asleep?"

Kaname walks down the stairs, making his way to the couch beside Ukyo. An annoyed wavering smile glances towards the stoic blonde brother.

"She's still sweet as ever. She greeted me with squeals and offered to share the snacks I brought up with. But our imouto-chan said she would rather be presented with another dish."

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