49: Silent Turbulences

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Aiyama walked up to where her brother lives to see that thankfully, he hasn't returned yet. She was in distress from Emi's outburst. Now that her cousin hates her, would Madara explain this himself? He didn't care at all, he could have offered some form of protection without marriage. Did he not care? Aiyama was lost at words... she hated to admit what she was feeling now.

"Ah! Aiyama-san," Mito welcomed her with opened arms taking her in. "I have some wonderful news that I need to spill. Firstly, help me cook some seasoned fish tonight. I can't wait for our men to return finally. It felt like forever being away from him." Mito was gushing while setting the dry yellow-tailed fish in the pan to sizzle.

Aiyama was blushing crimson red. So she claims Madara as hers now? Her heart was beating twice as fast from hearing of Madara's return. Certainly, he had a hold on her at last, which she has been stubborn most of her life with him. Forgiveness was one thing she had to overcome. Their past together was slowly being drained away as Aiyama fully moved on. She has been looking forward to their future. And then it struck her at last: kids. Does he want kids? She surely hoped so since she certainly wants a few.

Once dinner was slowly being prepared the door clicked opened drawing Aiyama's attention. "You're still an idiot for releasing rogue-nin after attempt assassination!" Madara's voice seethed through the halls.

"They seem apologetic for their actions. We all deserve second chances." Hashirama huffed and that was when Izuna cued in to calm the two.

"Okay, okay. We should just drop this, we have a slight big day tomorrow." Izuna laughed awkwardly and Aiyama was frozen whether or not she would stop or stare at him.

"Ah! Aiyama is getting married like planned. I don't have a gift... uh—"

"It's fine." Aiyama cuts right in ignoring the other wanderlust gazes being exchanged around the room. Aiyama was coughing awkwardly and felt slight discomfort. Madara was trying to act cool at least. Hashirama was being a nuisance and an idiot at the same time. This alliance was on a thin line now.

"Anyways! Dinner is ready!" Mito stepped in and looked at Aiyama to set the table up and she nodded going to bring the plates and chopsticks. Madara wasn't much in the mood and sat a bit away from him near Mito's right side.

"Where's our brother, Aiyama?" Hashirama questioned which Aiyama looked completely lost in another world picturing Tobirama getting comfortable in the Hokage robes sitting behind the large wooden desk.

"Aiyama?" Izuna was the one who looked at her bewildered expression.

"O-Oh.. ummm— he might be here shortly." Aiyama grew silent looking down at her plate.

"Anyways, I have some good news," Mito broke the silence which Aiyama looked up and met the eyes of Madara who didn't look so surprised.

"I'm pregnant." She clasped her hands and that was when Madara's gaze turned away from Aiyama and glared at Hashirama.

"I didn't know you had it in you to be a father at all. Just don't torture the child with your gambling problems." Madara huffed while finishing his servings. Hashirama flushed from his friend's words. Madara looked at Aiyama for a moment thinking if she was a mother figure; he silently smirked thinking of their children. Finally, he can have peace with someone he loved secretly.

Aiyama was smiling for real from the announcement. "I-Uh congrats!" Izuna bursted the bubble and just then the door opened and slammed shut. Tobirama was back already.

"T-Tobirama-san!" Mito got up from her spot to greet her brother in law.

"I need to speak to my brother real quick." Tobirama shot Hashirama a death glare which wasn't pleasant. Madara has no intention of what the hell Tobirama wanted and got up walking towards Aiyama. He grabbed her arm pulling her to her feet. "What the hell!" Aiyama couldn't pull her arm away.

"Let's head back. I'm sure Izuna has prepared for our silent wedding tomorrow." He leaned forward in her ears, "I can't wait to see you in the gown I had picked." Aiyama could sense his smirk forming on his thin lips. She shuddered in her spot looking up at him and passed him seeing Izuna grinning like a fool at them.

"Fine, now let go of me. I don't need a baby sitter. Especially that Uchiha following me around!" Aiyama bellowed pushing passed him and out the door before hearing her two brothers getting into an argument. What a lovely evening... Madara didn't have time to deal with her outbursts and turned to look at Izuna. He grimaced and calmly shook his head so suddenly.

"Well, it looks like Daiki is having a hard time keeping up with her movements." Izuna joked covering his mouth with his sleeved arm to hold back a few muffled laughs. Madara sent him a death glare to shut up or else he'd strangle him. Not like he's not ever done it before.

"Have her arranged in my room from now on. My office is in it so I can watch over her since I'm back for now. I rather not have her doing reckless things such as destroying the current room she's in or running away for no reason." Madara shot Izuna a serious look to act on his order as soon as possible. With a firm nod from his brother nervously, Izuna knew full well Aiyama will protest against this.

"Why are you making me deal with your soon to be wedded wife?" Izuna wasn't so pleased and hearing his brother chuckle so deviously.

"That is because your enthusiasm seems to keep her senses in check." Madara shot him a humorous look. Still, the younger Uchiha didn't particularly say anything in response.

As they walked back, the first thing they heard was Aiyama's scream from the kitchen area. Madara didn't hesitate but to immediately run to her aid.

"I-It's a s-s-spider. Oh, Kami! Kill it!" Aiyama jumped on the counter surface eyeing the eight-legged creature on the table. Madara gave her a 'are you kidding me' look just when Izuna entered the kitchen.

Madara sighed, he picked up a glass cup shielding the spider in it using the palm of his hand. "Don't touch it! I don't want you to walk around with it," this made Izuna smirk as Madara rolled his eyes releasing it outside.

"I think you need to cage her up at night. I wouldn't want to sleep next to her." Izuna scrunched his face up at her making a weird expression.

"I'm going to my room." As she turned on her heel, Madara took a hold of her wrist roughly pulling her to his chest.

"You're to settle in my room from now on. Well, it'll be our room. Go rest up, tomorrow is a heretic day for you." Madara released his hold not noticing how flushed Aiyama looked. She couldn't help but feel her cheeks burn with the feeling of love?

"Madara– I want to talk to you privately," Aiyama spoke clear clenching her fists tightly about something bugging her. Of course, it was about Emi, she wanted to know his side. There could be other reasons why he broke off their engagement.

"It'll have to wait. I have to sign trade-agreements since the Uchiha from this day forward will have more recognition and importance to this village." Madara turned to leave ignoring Aiyama and Izuna's presence. Her eyes welled upholding light tears back. He's suddenly avoiding her? She couldn't stop her heart from clenching tightly.

"Later... it is then." She murmured as she walked passed Izuna who gave Madara a dumbfounded look.

Why did things have to be so complicated?

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