41: Arrogance is a Bliss

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The floors shook from above as small pebbles above were falling. Aiyama seethed as she was met with the Nanabi Chōmei.

"You should have listened when I offered you to use my chakra, Aiyama-chi." Chōmei laughed darkly which caused her to look down.

"I can't allow him to place forward his plans. Madara won't listen if he's irritated enough either way." Aiyama twisted her head to the side downwards. She couldn't feel ashamed for what her disappearance is causing others. Hashirama and Tobirama would be frantically worried as of now if the news reached them.

"Freely choose your future wisely or you'll wound back into the same mistakes." Chōmei snarled such as the scene switched and Aiyama was brought back into reality. She laid on the cold floor for a few minutes and had no idea what Jirū had done to her.

"I've extracted most of your memories and stolen parts of the Biju's chakra for what I have to accomplish." Jirū had a wide smirk plastered across his face in the meantime.

"How the hell could that damn Uchiha find this place?!" One man vehemently shouted while others were rushing into the room for the same answer.

"We have to leave! The walls are going to cave in!" And another looked frantic with the whole situation. Aiyama took the change and used Chōmei to break the seal on her lower abdomen. A large amount of chakra she had to use caused her to sneakily step back pretending to be oblivious to everything. She felt the fire seal slowly dissipate successfully. She was looking at the very few people argue as the walls shook and explosions were starting to get louder by the second.

As she was close enough to run out, a cloaked figure hoisted her over their shoulder and left the cave before the shaky walls caved in.

"Let me down!" Aiyama screeched loudly, her eyes brimmed with tears. She wanted to leave and go home and not be with them or help them accomplish anything.

As they began to run for it through a forest, Aiyama was squirming a bit under the man's grasp. She sensed Madara not far behind at least which reassured her that the men who are her captures won't get that far. She sensed Tobirama at least and the others with them.

"What do we do now?" Reini spoke up as they hopped from branch to branch in the messy canopy.

"The Land of Iron isn't that far. My friend who runs the nation as the Feudal Lord will aid us." Jirū's gaze was faced forward while Aiyama was on the back still squirming a little.

She felt a swarm of heat passing and her eyes slowly looked up cautiously and she saw a massive fireball aiming at them burning the plants in the process.

"Incoming!" One yelled, Jirū wasn't impressed by how his men couldn't deflect the attack. When the ball of fire soon faded and smoke appearing around them blinding them quite a bit.

Aiyama closed her eyes shut thinking how useless she has become. She whimpered lightly as she felt herself touch the ground with her back touching the tree. So the man placed her down to focus on who was attacking them.

'This is my chance!'

Aiyama stood up and dashed through the trees when she had the chance to do so. She heard loud explosions grew softer as she ran farther from the scene. Her eyes brimmed with tears while she ran. She didn't know where she was going and soon tripped over a vine.

Her frail body made an impact with the ground below as she wailed out a small cry. Her body ached and felt sore; she couldn't feel the ground shake anymore. The fighting was done with? Like that?

Her fingers gripped the dirt below as she tried to stand on her own feet. Her arms managed to grip a nearby tree at least. The thumping of her heart wouldn't settle, the ground stopped shaking. Her mind was in a frenzy while she hoped she got out of that at least.

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