2: Hate Has Boundaries

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Her voice trailed off in the night. The glistening moon shone upon the two; burnishing the ground they stood on.

"Aiyama!" Izuna looked up at her, surprised was written on his face. He hadn't seen her since forever. He and his brother would play with the Senju girl when they were mere children.

Aiyama hated the Uchiha with a passion but her heart betrayed her when she realized she couldn't hate Izuna... she thought of him like another little brother she never had. Unlike Tobirama and Hashirama...

"Wow, I mean... since the village has been built, I never have seen you around." Aiyama twiddled her fingers holding an astonishing look. She did miss this Uchiha indeed. But Izuna never knew why she had 'disappeared' through the war. He had thought something terrible had happened to her.

He never knew that his brother betrayed her all those years ago causing conflict between the two. And thus, he had never seen her again.

Aiyama brought Izuna into a small hug wrapping her arms around his shoulders. As he did the same, he felt relieved that she was alright at least.

He couldn't pin down why his brother never spoke about her again. It was like she vanished and they never saw her again after years.

"What happened? Why haven't we heard from you?" Izuna asked solemnly taking a step back. Aiyama's nose almost scrunched up. She was surprised a little that he doesn't know why. "Ask your brother." Her voice was coaxed with venom.

With that, she left the Uchiha standing there as she stepped inside the Senju compound. Opening her door and entering. She groaned slightly, she felt like she wanted to rip her hair out.

She didn't want to run into 'him' as it would make things more complicated. She had changed into her night yukata and slipped under the covers. 'What a night...'

As the next morning rolled by. Her door slammed open hitting the wall immensely causing Aiyama to jolt out of her slumber.

"AIYAMA-NEE wake up!" Hashirama her brother chimed as he yanked the blanket off of her. Making her body welcome the coldness. She groaned, "another five minutes..." she grabbed a nearby pillow and placed it over her head hoping he would leave her.

"Nope! Something has come up. So GET up!" his voice gotten more serious. Just as Tobirama entered her room with a questioning look.

"Tobi-nii, get Hashi to leave," Aiyama groaned as she flipped over onto her other side away from the two.

"Well, I can't do that you know," Tobirama smirked a little seeing his sister glare over her shoulder at him.

Before she could have some peace, Hashirama dragged her out of the comforting bed. Making her snap her head upwards. "HASHIRAMA!" she screamed as he made her collapse onto the cold floor. Tobirama chuckled, "I'd do as he says."

"Ugh! You too..." she grunted looking up at her brothers. "Be down by the Hokage building once you're dressed," Hashirama stated acting seriously as he exited her room.

Tobirama rolled his eyes and followed closely behind their Aniki.

"Tsch..." she sighed grabbing her normal attire, which was a nice light pink kimono with a brown sash coming around the waist. The lining was made extravagantly to her own eyes. Her fingers soothingly felt the fabric and she smiled.

She left and navigated to the big red building that stood at the end of the village. She still wondered why her brothers needed her this earlier.

She entered the room that stood with them in the middle. Hashirama had a mound of paperwork that filled his desk. She shook her head at the sight. The room was filled with paperwork.

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