4: Dreams That Take Over

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"Aiyama please don't leave!" Hashirama pleaded with tears at the edge of his eyes.

"He didn't mean a thing of what he said. Please don't abandon your home."

"It was never meant to be, Hashirama... and soon you'll realize why I chose this path. I hope a miracle happens someday and maybe... we'll see each other again." Aiyama's voice was insecure and dripped with acid. Her tone not wavering with each word.

"So you'll leave everything behind!" Tobirama vociferated as he clenched his hands with anger. Aiyama looked at him with no sympathy.

She stood upon a large boulder her back towards them, ready to leave. "A man like you should understand, the weak is meant to perish in a world like this as the strong grow, that's what I believe. Hashi, Tobi..."

With that, she vanished.


Aiyama shot out of her bed landing on the floor with a rough landing while knocking the air out of her lungs. Her mind ran in circles with what her dream meant.

What did he mean by 'he didn't mean a thing of what he said?'

She couldn't come clear as to what she dreamt about? Would it become a reality? She shook her head at the thought of leaving her brothers... she loved them dearly, but why would she leave them?

Aiyama sat up looking at her hands that were in her lap. She was shaking violently.

Aiyama felt her insides curl up. She felt terrified as to think her dream would become a reality.

"Oi!" Came a familiar person that Aiyama thought to be annoying.

"Well, I hear you were injured! So I brought you some rice balls that I made. I bet the food here is nasty..." Sayumi voiced cheerfully, handing the poor injured girl a bag of onigiri.

"Oh, I guess... also thanks for these." Aiyama felt her lips curl upwards in a small smile. "You should help me train once you're better. I can't go on dangerous missions due to how clumsy I can get." The Hyuga girl laughed making Aiyama giggle a little bit.

'Well I can tell from that part,' Aiyama smirked softly from her thought.

"Well, you can leave the hospital today! Which is good. Come let's go somewhere!" Sayumi pulled her out of her hospital bed; dragging her out of the infirmary.

"Hey, I can walk!" Aiyama puffed her cheeks holding her hands on her hips, right when Sayumi stuck her tongue back out at her. "Well follow me!"

"Hashi-niisan will so kill me..." Aiyama sighed and started to follow the girl towards the dark ominous forest.

"I want to show you something. It's cool to think that my byakugan can see things that others can not. Like how I can detect how many birds there are up in this tree..." Sayumi whispered as she activated her byakugan. Aiyama never has seen that dojutsu up close. Her amazement grew on her face.

"Five, six, sev-" just as she was counting the number of birds, the flock flew away from the trees. "Wow..."
Aiyama widens her scrutiny on the girl.

"Eight birds..." Sayumi deactivated her dojutsu and smiled. She leaned back on the tree for support. "What's wrong?" Aiyama asked her.

"Oh, it's nothing... I swear," Sayumi nodded trying to stand up on her feet, but she needed some support so she grabbed the bark of the tree.

"No, something is off-"

"It's okay, don't worry about me." Sayumi smiled at her. But this smile wasn't a real one that she used to give off.

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