18: Anger that Controls You

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Aiyama the sole princess of the Senju clan made up with Madara by this point as he was the one who hurt her the most. She felt uncared by everyone around her. She was supposed to marry that brute Uchiha, but still, she managed to shatter her once again.

'Izuna will be the only person who'll matter to him. I guess everything else is fading and so will I.'

Aiyama Senju wanted peace, but can she still trust the Senjus? Even though, she managed to leave the village. How long will it take before she is found? Or will she follow her own path? What is it?


Aiyama couldn't sleep that night. Being the only newcomer, she needed to keep her guard up. She still hasn't fully trust the place. It was odd and a bit uneasy on her.

She wanted to gain their respect first. However, she still wondered what the man Ren wanted to talk to her. It was quite coherent overall.

Perhaps battle tactics? Or an assignment... she didn't know and it drove her mind in circles. Aiyama sighed dramatically before peeling the covers off of her.

A knock came from the opaque screen shoji door. Aiyama nearly panics but refrained herself. Did she open it to see a green-haired boy?

His straight green hair went down to his shoulders sluggishly, also having some side bangs. His eyes were ocean blue with a tint of green. He was around her age as well. She wondered who he was.

"Enter..." she gulped but he was checking her out. Her features and beauty caught his eyes. "Lord Ren wanted to see you..." she nodded before stepping out of the door.

She didn't bother changing because she slept in her tacky clothes. "What's your name?" she asked quietly getting his attention. He smiled at her before inhaling sharply.

"Kahiko of the Takigakure." He almost stuttered because he was talking to a woman he has never met. Perhaps the most prettiest girl he had ever seen to his eyes.

As they entered the room, Aiyama noticed how the tension turned darker being in Ren's presence. She felt ominous being under his stare once again.

But he wasn't glaring though. Just narrowing his eyes on the woman. Kahiko stood behind her before being dismissed.

"I see you met Kahiko. There are others you will meet. Another wise I want to discuss important matters." Ren declared as he noticed Aiyama's stare lowered. She nodded once before following him into another room.

A large wooden table was in the middle with around six chairs pushed into it. Ren took a seat as he held some scroll. It looked forbidden to her own eyes. She didn't know what it was.

"Have you ever heard of the Nanabi?" he asked while twirling the scroll in his hand. Still not opening the slip of it to reveal what it is to her. Aiyama shook her head as she took a seat across from him.

"Many years ago the Sage of the Six Paths released nine Tail Beasts to freely roam these lands. Many were captured by villages to use for wars. Not many are still isolated and un captive. Perhaps you know why?" he placed the scroll down in front of him. Aiyama was staring at it nervously. Why was he telling her all of this?

"I-I'm sorry what does this mean?" she bit down her tongue before she says any more irrelevant things perhaps.

"This here... is the seven tails Chōmei. A species of Kabutomushi. We haven't found a perfect Jinchuriki to occupy this type of chakra or could. Many had failed the process and couldn't handle it." Ren then opened the scroll that revealed a seal that was imprinted into it. Aiyama's bottom lip quivered before she could say anything else.

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