11: Love's Meaning

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"I want you to guard the village with Izuna, Aiya-onee." Hashirama placed a warm hand on her shoulder.

There they stood in the Hokage office slightly stunned. "You're leaving?" she asked while he nodded. "This village needs protection and I hope you can do that for me. Tobirama and I will start our divisions." He went to sit down feeling a little nervous about the upcoming war.

"So it leads to Iwa and Taki shinobi against us, Kiri and Suna..." Aiyama paced around the room trying to think aimlessly.

The door abruptly opened making them jerk back. Only to reveal Madara at the doorway. "I see you arrived, my friend." Hashirama stood up holding a sly grin towards the Uchiha.

"On other matters, I need to speak with you. Hashirama." The name slurred off his as if it were ice. Aiyama gulped as she exited the room. But she couldn't have wondered what was being said.


"I already have the Uchiha prepared just in case an invasion occurred. I don't need an obstruction as it is." Madara glowered, folding his arms over his chest. "I see... I wish things would have ended on good terms. But war is what we're getting into all over again." Hashirama went into a deep depression state causing Madara to pop a vein.

"Not like it's any different. We just have to give them a sense of reality into their hardheads," Madara seethed with animosity. But still, Hashirama was in a gloomy state of sadness.

"Anyways... how's my sister adapting to your lifestyle?" Hashirama broke free of the previous conversation. Madara's eye twitches at the subject.

"I'd say we are on better terms than before." He went pale and looked away unfazed which Hashirama laughed skeptically. But the next question made Madara freeze in his position.

"Do you love my sister?" Hashirama teased causing Madara to glare radically at him.

"Stop with the questions!" Madara was starting to get annoyed with his questions. Hashirama held his hands up in a surrender stance.

"Well, you could have at least answered..." Hashirama rolled his eyes as he went over some of the papers that sprawled all over his desk. Little did he know the next few words would shock him.

"I always had."


"Oi! Tobi-nii!" An annoyed Aiyama shouted to get his attention. He was already packing his weapons. Izuna, on the other hand, was with him?!

Aiyama was already looking bewildered at the scene. The two were talking normally. It wasn't like they saw her, nor was paying attention to Aiyama.

As they saw her approach them, Tobirama's eye twitched. He thought that she would be with his brother a little bit longer, but she wasn't. Izuna was scratching his palm irritably. "I'll go see if nii-san needs anything." He left with an awkward grin.

"What is it you want?" Tobirama strapped two kunai's in his holder from behind. Still avoiding her strange gaze. "Where are you going?" she had asked this time having a weird feeling.

"I'm being assigned a mission to the Land of Tea with Izuna. Have a problem?" he grumbled feeling the tension grow intense. "Okay I'll come with you two!" she placed her hands on her hips wearing a grin that danced on her pale lips.

"No, you're not." Tobirama bluntly stated before leaving. "Hell yes, I am! Can't force me not to!" she exclaimed stomping her foot down once again feeling her blood boil.

Tobirama turned his head towards his sister who was pouting. He felt guilty.. but he didn't want her to end up hurt like last time.

"Why? So you would end up getting killed this time?" He scrunched his nose up in distaste. He knew he wouldn't allow his sister to accompany them. Which he left with a dismayed look.

"TOBI-NII!" he could hear her calls but ignored her as he trotted back to the Hokage building. Feeling a little guilty and overprotective.


As Aiyama started to stomp back to the Uchiha residence, she rammed into somebody. More like somebody wearing a lot of green who smells a lot like a forest.

"Oi! Watch it!" she yelled, her lip dragging down into a frown. "The hell- that was you who needs to watch it!" The voice boomed back.

The man looked like he was in his late twenties, his hair was short and medium brown.

"Who the hell are you?" Aiyama interjected as she stood up glaring at the man.

"Sarutobi Sasuke." Aiyama felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach.

The man who stood before her was the leader of his clan. A rather young leader. He was quite cute when he was angry but Aiyama shook her head.

"Fine I'll take my fault, I'm Senju Aiyama." She sneered as she huffed her chest in anticipation. He rolled his eyes at the woman.

"Like I already know you. I'm quite busy and talking to you is wasting my time." He says before pushing past her rudely. Aiyama clicked her tongue at the intriguing man. She thought it to be rather irritating.

It's like no one wants to be around her. As she frowned, she walked back into her home... and into her temporary room. She felt quite mad with herself. Already fighting with her brother and some clan leader who was annoyed with her as well.

A knock jolted her out of her thoughts. She didn't respond, perhaps she was still furious and the door opened.

It was him...

"Great, you're here to scold me as well. Why don't you get lost, seems like everyone is telling me that I should." Aiyama seethed as she turned her back towards him.

He wasn't fazed with her scowling reaction to seeing him. "What put you off today?" he shook his head before walking towards the woman.

"What does it matter to you?" she snarled at him. Her nostrils were flaring with deceit.

"Fine don't talk." He sat by her holding his hands in his lap. His gaze was met elsewhere.

"Why is everyone annoyed with me..." she trailed off before laying down on her bed.

"What do you mean?" He placed a hand on her side seeing her gaze up at him. For the first time since forever, he has seen her smile. It warmed him to know that she was finally becoming comfortable with his presence.

"I'm always getting scolded at by people... It's strange for me to even understand." Aiyana bit down her tongue in hopes she wouldn't say any more.

He stopped before laying down next to her; like the feeling of Aiyama next to him.

"You know... I would rather you in my room instead." He smirked causing the woman to pull away grossly. "Real funny," she replied shortly. Still having a small frown grace her lips at his remark.

The two stayed in silence for some time before Madara spoke up.

"I have more to worry about with this war now... I'll need to head back. But... I will see you in the morning, my dear fiancé." He cooed before leaving. She sighed once again having her mind waltz into flames.

She felt something she never felt before. Being with Madara calmed her heart. Also with this war raging on. She didn't know what to do.

It was like... she had already forgiven him from the past.

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