42: The Bath House Again...

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Aiyama was holding in her anger quite well as soon as they returned. Tobirama had to make sure she went straight to see their brother. She felt a bit mortified to see them since it's been quite a bit ago.

"Aiyama-nii! I can't believe you— you allowed yourself to be held captive for this long. I-I was worried, I... I had to pray for your return." Hashirama ran up to the two and hugged his sister. His eyes were pouring of tears that drenched her dirty clothes.

"Get Hakui to give her clean clothes and a bath at least." Hashirama ordered one of the guards near the door.

"What should we do now? Jirū isn't talking and is keeping silent. Madara can't get a word out of him nor is his sharingan being useful since the man is resisting the Genjutsu." Tobirama inquired which infuriated Hashirama. You would never or rarely ever see Hashirama get mad.

"Then what should we do?! Our sister was almost killed or ready to be used for something that would cost her own life! Find out what they want—"

"Hashi-nii, Jirū wanted to revive someone close to him. That's all I know whether what he actually intends to do as for sacrifices or the "how" process. Let me talk to him." Aiyama tried to smile but soon faded when she saw the angry flash look both her brothers gave her.

"Not happening," Tobirama protectively says crossing his arms while Hashirama didn't object to his brother either.

"Why?! I could possibly get something useful. For all, we know this could be Jirū's plan to get caught and possibly destroy the village!" Aiyama was trying to negotiate with the two but still failed.

"And then you'll end up dead if you go near him. Go back to your room and rest, I'll have the maids—"

"God you two are so useless sometimes." Aiyama swiftly turned on her heel and walked out of the room. She didn't sense the two following after her.

She hated the two as her brothers, but she loved them at the same time. She saw Mito walking her way with a large pile of scrolls stacked together. Aiyama looked at Mito who nearly gasp and dropped the pile.

"A-Aiyama-san!" Mito was happy to see her sister-in-law. However, Mito saw the look she held and frowned. Aiyama stood there clenching her hands into balls tightly.

"What did they do?" Mito asked the furious girl who inhaled sharply and closed her eyes to take in all that had happened.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." Aiyama walked passed the girl and out of the building for fresh air. Luckily she didn't need the infirmary at least considering she wasn't injured or was in pain of any sort.

Aiyama walked towards the bath house and entering the woman's side to see Sayumi and Ayomi getting changed. "Ah! Aiyama-san!" Sayumi screeched and hugged her bare. Aiyama felt her chest and muscles clenched at the woman. 'Her body looks...'

"Oh... Sayumi, my bad for intruding I need a bath from the long trip I had." Aiyama lied through her teeth and felt guilt.

"It's fine! Come join us!" Sayumi was helping her sister out of the yukata she wore.

"That Obi looks tight." Aiyama helped from behind.

"T-Thanks. Our parents are becoming more strict with our futures but letting us choose our partners." Ayomi smiled, but still Aiyama had to take her clothes off.

She had tight trousers on and bandages around her torso area. She was tempted to remove both areas but stopped her trembling hands.

"Here let me help!" Sayumi shouted and used her hand with one pull letting the bandages fall to the ground.

"Ah!" Aiyama covered her chest as soon as Sayumi did that.

"You'll need to loosen up if you were to marry. A man likes his wife—"

"Sayumi! I didn't think you'd do that! Just let me get my undergarments off at least." Aiyama growled at her friend where as Ayomi laughed from behind.

Right when Aiyama took her light trousers off, she quickly wrapped a towel around her body.

"Oh girl you don't need to even—"

"I get it!!" Aiyama whined with much embarrassment while the other two snickered behind. They entered the bath tub seeing two other females in the other one shortly glaring at the three.

'Not this again...'

"Relax... they're lowly females who seduce men to get what they want." Ayomi whispered just when they entered the bath slowly seeing how the two females were gossiping.

"A bunch of snobs." Sayumi scrunched her face up seeing how the tension changed in the atmosphere.


Aiyama heard a little bit as to what the two girls were talking about. "No man would want them unless it's for sex." The taller girl with blonde hair that cascaded down her shoulders said quietly. Still loud enough for Sayumi, Ayomi and Aiyama to hear.

"I'm sure they're prostitutes that are from the red light district in the village." Sayumi mimicked the two girls. Who glared back huffing their chests out.

"How immature..." Aiyama slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand. Aiyama just wanted to enjoy the bath washing her hair and body of crude she endured on her "trip" at least.

She felt the females slowly get up leaving bathhouse letting the other girls sigh in relief.

"Don't worry about them, they tried to sleep with Tobirama not long after you left with Izuna. And the other girl was flirting profusely with the younger brother of the Uchiha leader." Sayumi started to wash her own hair while Aiyama did the same. And slowly scrubbing her body that ached with soreness. 'That stupid Uchiha was gripping harshly around my thighs. Ugh!!'

"Hmm... sounds like their problems to deal with. I don't like snobs who think they deserve everything." Aiyama puffed her cheeks out and was trying to get the knots out of her hair.

"I'm sure Madara-sama won't allow skanks like them to take your place. Your pretty and strong!" Ayomi cuts right in their conversation wanting to say something such as personal information.

"I-I umm... Madara and I haven't talked since we returned. He's quite busy, I think my freedom is far limited by now. I won't be able to leave on missions for a while." Aiyama chuckled lightly getting the last not in her hair.

"He will come around after all, things have been chaotic lately. I hope peace is an option since many of us don't want to go to war." Sayumi laughed just when they were done cleaning with themselves.

"You're right, I will eventually talk to him if he approaches me of anything. I haven't even seen Izuna yet. Also please tell Kyoko I said hi! I hope the baby coming along is growing healthy inside." Aiyama cheekily smiles hopping out and wrapping the towel around her body.

"Right, I need to speak to your brothers soon regarding the Hyūga's position in the village. Many clans want to over throw the corrupt council and add clan leaders to take part in decisions with economics and policies." Sayumi yawned and slowly got out with her sister as well.

"See ya Aiyama-san!" Ayomi waved back while the Senju girl changed quickly and left the bath house to return to her room back at the Senju compound remembering she wasn't with the Uchiha's at the "moment" is what she would recall.

Her stomach churned in nervousness... 'does he still want to be with me?' Many questions filled her mind. She bottled her emotions up and was close to breaking down.

Just when she returned back to her compound. The sun was still up high in the sky. Aiyama was close to weeping on her bed, she suddenly missed Madara's comfort and being in his arms and feeling protected.

Even when she hugged herself and thought of what he does to her wasn't the same. She wanted to be with him, even the thoughts hurt.

'Everything hurts...'

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