43: Priorities

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A few days have slowly gone by, Aiyama was more focused on how the council has been fighting to keep their position. It sickens her to see how corrupt they were, to begin with.

The village's clan leaders have been formed as the new council which wasn't surprising. The elders were more "forced" to step down to let the clan leaders take charge of the decisions. Aiyama saw how annoyed they had been looked. And now no more pointless situations such as "marriage" and personal life stats where now the new council can focus on the economics and political issues.

So Madara was of course, always in the meetings with the decision makings. So to Aiyama's dismay, she'd assumed the other clan leaders would barely defy him that much. She liked it a lot better, there hasn't been much talk of Jirū so Aiyama has been trying to see him at least once.

The guards won't allow it. Nor would Madara give the 'yes' either. She felt more alone now and peaceful. She wondered where her two friends were hiding at. Kabira and Aoi since it looks like they left Takigakure as a whole. Slowly but the feeling crept inside her how people are leaving everything behind just like how she did.

The Warring States was a time that burned the passion and soul; the only thing she learned was vengeance her whole life. Her father even taught her how to fight but Hashirama and Tobirama fought against the idea of their last sibling going to war and as a female? That's asking for a lot more than just being killed. Her brothers didn't want to see her suffer at all so instead, she did stay hidden. Madara was the one who brought more joy than sadness and earned her trust.

She missed him around, but he is a busy man now. Aiyama couldn't pinpoint if war will happen which would be the First Shinobi war. And now Izuna has been kind of around more? Still, it is a little crazy with the entire situation.

Aiyama slowly crept up from her bed looking down at her pale feet that hung over the bed. She thought of countless ways to go out perhaps even how it was pretty late out.

Her mind wouldn't allow her to sleep, unfortunately. Aiyama assuredly left when she thought no one was around. As soon as she reached outside and looked around her surroundings she felt the fresh air touch her light-sensitive skin. She wanted to see the river full of memories of when she was a kid and gaze into it.

"You shouldn't be out here." A cold familiar tone made her flinch on the spot. She knew it was him. 'Just when I wanted to see him before and now I don't at all.'

"Hmm... I didn't think you were up." Aiyama smiled cautiously and began to walk away nervously, but knowing he would follow. 'He never likes to give up...'

"I can say the same with you." He paced behind her seeing that she went into the forest a bit. He sort of knew that she wanted to see the river on the full moon it seems. The light shining down on the river looked beautiful and nice to stare down into.

"You don't have to worry... I will be fine from now on. I can still sense Mamoru close by anyways unless you directly need something." Aiyama gave him a fake smile, although, Madara scowled at her fake expression.

This has been the closest he has gotten near her in weeks practically and to be alone. "You seem to have changed, what the hell happened to the stubborn woman who would argue over anything? Stop with this delirious act and tell me what is bothering you. Or else I'll go back to calling you woman from now on." It wasn't a question but more of a demand. His eyes glowered at her as he stood behind while she sat down peering up slowly at him.

His lips pursued seeing how her eyes softened while patting for him to sit next to her. She saw how inviting she'd become and smiled slightly while staring at the river. She noticed how Madara narrowed in scrutiny on her form before he sat down.

Aiyama felt some form of burning antagonism while the man before her practically insulted her. "I definitely haven't changed! You seem arrogant as usual which I'm not surprised about. Why haven't you exactly been around? It's like... I never see you anyway. And here we are back at this spot just like when we were children." Aiyama nearly sneered at the last sentence which fused a bit of anger how he is showing his caring side now.

Madara rolled his eyes at the young girl seeing how worked up she has gotten. She briefly pushed away from him glaring to the side in embarrassment. Madara cheekily grinned at her reaction at least he knew he'd get out of her.

"Well, that confirms much of your behaviours, Aiyama. My priorities lie with the Village's needs while preparing for any war that may break out at any given moment. As much as I said before... you and Izuna had given me more of a reason to not proceed with other achievements." Madara scooted closer to her and placing his head on her lap closing his eyes.

'Other achievements my ass! This man doesn't need anything other than those who care for him.' Aiyama seemed calmer but clued in what he meant by that phrase.

"Y-You don't mean that Izuna and I are the last thing that is keeping your sanity? That's ridiculous! Your clan is also a priority as well! The village you helped as well? I-If you ever leave me, I won't allow that—"

"You're not helping me relax in peace. Your yapping sure as hell gives headaches if we were to live in the same household. As I said before that my reasonings won't cause any harm, I don't like how your idiotic brothers had been running things. My clan needs more involvement with the village. I doubt someone like you would understand." Madara was growing angrier from the inside while keeping his eyes closed.

"You're the idiot thinking like that. You're obviously helping with the decisions, taking care of high ranking businesses, and other things that the Uchihas are busy organizing the Police Taskforce for the village. You're gonna start a war whereas no one wants—"

And with a swift move knocking Aiyama down to the ground and Madara furiously holding her down. His eyes were glowing red with the black tomoes spinning madly from her words. His hands gripped her wrists above her head harshly.

"What the hell!"

"You should listen before speaking. Seemly you didn't hear how I said you wouldn't understand." Madara's eyes turned back to normal black hues. He sighed seeing that Aiyama stopped and trembled slightly beneath him.

He smirked and pulled her into his chest. The girl didn't fight back but hugged him around his torso. "I-I just... don't want you to leave." She almost made a sniffling sound while burying her face into his chest.

"I have no reason unless either you or Izuna aren't around. As I've mentioned, war is meaningless where many lives are taken, families are torn apart and the grieving process is what I don't want to go through again." Madara stopped his words before speaking noticing how her grip around him tightened.

"M-Madara... gomen, can I tell you something?" Aiyama looked up at him still in his arms on the cold grass.

Madara found himself stroking her hair and resting his other hand rest upon her waist. He didn't say anything but looked at her curiously.

"I-I love you."

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