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We always have such high expectations for others,

And instinctively, none for ourselves.

So when we think about them being oversensitive,

We neglect to remember our gross mistakes to anyone else. 

For example, the words we speak;

We make excuses for the horrendous attitude we diffuse,

Yet when someone so much as bat an eyelid,

We think of him being ignorant and obtuse. 

When we choose to act as our emotions dictate,

We give out insignificant reasons that cannot be measured with wit.

Because they're mere nonsense that are not fit to be judged,

And since we have no expectations of ourselves, there is no need. 

Apologies afterwards don't count,

Because what's the point when the damage has already been done?

Your 'sorrys' won't erase the shit embedded in her mind,

And your senseless jokes, in his perspective, are not that fun. 

But then again, who am I worthy to say all these,

When I myself am guilty of this reckless, childish behaviour.

Maybe I'm trying to give myself a nonsensical excuse,

To ease my conscience and attain forgiveness forever. 

In any case, we are fools bumbling about on this earth,

Filled to the brim with self-righteous gossip and uncaring spite.

Watch us as we tear each other apart with our petty jealousies and hate,

Watch us as we use the great language as our weapons to fight.

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