Evil Little Pixies.

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I got to talking about this with a friend yesterday, who was the subject of rumours that made life quite hellish. And, ta-da!:) 


Rumours. They’re like poison,

Or little evil pixies darting between our legs.

They’re malicious little fictional stories,

Carried around by listening ears and unsaids.

They’re the by-product of laziness,

And tardiness; did you know that?

Rumours are groundless and baseless,

Made by people who can’t be bothered to understand.

Imagine the decrease in the numbers,

If people just opened their mouths to ask?

I don’t know about you, but in my opinion,

But if you asked for the truth, I’d give it to you fast.

Maybe people just want a little drama,

To spice up their otherwise, utterly boring lives.

How sad can it be to have to stoop so low,

Just to pretend that you want to be nice.

In any case, is there some thrill involved

When you ruin someone’s day?

Or are you that sadistic deep down,

That you start to fabricate the things you say?

But if you’re not that evil, as it may seem otherwise,

Why are you lazy then?

Isn’t it better to clarify with me the things you’ve heard,

So you have the truth you forward and send? 

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