Text Messages.

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 It has been awhile since I had last uploaded. But in any case, this one came from an infusion of feelings, the rain and orange juice. It's not meant to be directed at anyone, but it's just something I've been mulling over for awhile, and I'd finally regained the courage to word it. 

Text Messages

I try not to leave people hanging,

To give anyone the feeling of being ignored.

Because one of the worst things in life can probably be

Not getting a reply of any sorts.

Technology, honestly, ruined lives;

Snail mails are so much gentler in their responses

(or lack thereof), because texts are just plain brutal,

Double ticks and last seen today at- I know I’m not your first-

Priority, or anything but it would be nice

To have a certain smiley face.

Is it that hard to place a colon beside a bracket?

It is but a universally accepted kindness to any form of taste.

I think I have fears (no surprise),

Of being labeled as someone cold and unfeeling.

And doesn’t it just rip out a part of your soul to ignore someone,

To just leave them…waiting?

To quote a favourite book of mine,

“This savours strongly of disappointment”.

It is true, I am affronted sometimes,

Of the difficulty of typing the letters B-Y-E. Weren’t-

You taught how to greet? How is texting,

Any different from talking to a person face to face?

You are still communicating, and I,

To my surprise, still have feelings as of late.

I honestly try to be understanding, really,

Because some of us have the habit of replying much later.

But then, some of us also have the habit of ignoring people,

So there is a bit of that gray area.

But I assume that we are only human after all,

And all this angst will not do me any good.

“Be the kind of person that you want to meet”,

And we try our best to do as we should.

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