Living A Lie.

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I love childhood relationships. I just have this cray obsession for them, and it hasn't seem to die down since what, two years ago? Haha. Anyway, I actually thought of the last stanze in the mrt on the way to ballet, and the first stanza on the way home in the cab. It seemed pretty cool to have an idea so strong, pieces just fly at you like that. Presenting: 


Nine years old clutching my scraped knees,

Sat there crying on the rocky ledge.

I didn’t dare to step down for the greatest fear,

That I’ll tumble down to my death.

You stood there patiently,

Hand outstretched in case I fell.

You told me nothing could happen,

Just take your hand; all would be well.

I think from that moment I took it,

I would have never let it go.

You became the only constant in my life,

The stars that led me home.

Then years came by and everything changed,

And you started to drift away.

By that age, I knew that it was inevitable,

But of course I wanted you stay.

You weren’t the only one that changed though,

Because I know I did too.

It would be unfair for me to force you to remain,

For the sake of the regrets you knew.

I tried to hold on so tightly,

To whatever we had in the past.

But I could tell when you started to fade away,

At a speed that was alarmingly fast.

The time you spent with me turned into

More of an obligation to my soul.

It turned into sheer politeness that you spoke

About the memories we used to hold.

I think that was my cue to start the process

Of letting you go. I did try to stop;

To make it all seem normal,

To put on a wonderful show.

And how wonderful it has been,

To create a dream untrue.

To live in a life of delusions,

Make everything as perfect as it should.

And now when I’m left caring,

You’ve gone off living a better life.

I’m just sitting there waiting for you;

Funny how I’m living a lie. 

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