The Girl Who Loved.

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Inspired by a friend. Her story is one that I'ms ure is retold again and again, time after time, eon after eon, and I think it's beautifully painful. 


There was once a girl who loved

Many many things in this world.

She loved the stars that shined at night,

And the brilliant sun that rose.

She loved life as it is,

Seeing nothing but hope in her future.

She dared to jump and dared to fly,

To step of a ledge and fall; she was sure.

So she fell, pretty hard

When she met you for the first time.

She loved your insecurities and your callousness;

Your gentleness, the girls you pinned.

Because she loved you so,

She stood by you all the way.

She sat by you when you were broken and scarred,

And she advised you when you were going to play.

She listened to all the girls you loved,

And wished with all her heart that she was that perfection.

She would skip meals and toil the nights,

So from you, she could steal a reaction.

But you made it clear to her, unwittingly,

That she would never receive your love.

But what could she do? She had fallen

Down so hard, that to emerge unbroken would be a curse.

So the girl who loved could only wait

For something that is never going to come.

She took in all the shit you threw at her,

And pretended like she was having fun.

Thus, your feelings became her instincts,

And she tuned her mind to what you thought was right.

So when you asked her if she had any feelings for you,

The girl that loved you very much, simply lied. 

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