Siren's Call.

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This inspiration was long awaited, and I thought that it would never come. 


People have stenciled on paper with ink,

The potent siren’s call.

But until you’ve heard it for yourself,

You will never understand a sailor’s cries and implores.

I was a sailor once,

And I never understood the stories.

Surely, the sea salt have made us all immune,

Immune to deformed females with their pleading sorries?

That day, I rode out to the sea,

My heart bursting with complacency.

I left myself untied and unplugged,

Ready to put up with their indecencies.

I am very lucky to be alive today,

For many before me had drowned or perished as supper.

I lived to tell the tale,

To warn that no man should ever think himself super.

Their call shakes you straight at the bones,

And you cannot resist their promises.

Their voices will run through your mind forever,

Reminding you of paradise and near misses.

Remember their eyes, brown and wide,

Beckoning me forward with safety and security.

I hear her voice lulling me with sweetness,

Her face trusting, hopeful, beautifully pretty.

And you’ll throw away every cautioning word.

Dive down to the deep blue sea.

Dive down to end the agony they created,

Dive down to what you believe.

I was pulled onshore babbling nonsense,

About true love and magic.

Now, you see, those things don’t exist,

Pure daydreams and maybe past relics.

Never again have I ventured onto a ship,

Because I still hear their songs.

I know that if I hear them once again,

I will not be able to resist for I am not strong.

I am sure that they’re still out there,

Waiting to sing death to me.

And now I hope that you’ll remember,

How potent the siren’s call can be. 

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