A Little Voice.

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Self-explanatory. I think. :P 


A little whisper into the ear of another,

A little furtive glance at you.

A tiny smirk, and a nod of the head,

As the secret is now shared between two.

A little hesitation as she regards the person,

A little thinking done on her part.

A single blink, and she moves,

As the secret-telling starts.

A little anger starts to cloud your mind;

A little depressed you start to be.

A clench of the fist, slamming against the door,

As you try to release.

A little sob you let out,

A little pain you try to erase.

A tiny bit better you might feel,

As every emotion gets replaced.

A little peek at the corner of your eye,

A little consideration on your behalf.

A pause at happened between the telling,

As someone notices your bluff.

A little arm goes around you,

A little voice whispers hi.

A flower was put into your hand,

As a little girl tells you not to cry.

A little reassurance you start to feel,

A little more comforted you become.

A smile she gives you shows her trust, 

As she slips her hand into your palm.

A little secret may have been told,

A little gossip had been spread.

A bit of injustice you might feel,

As you try to forget.

A little time you might need,

A little song you might chant.

A tiny bit courage you must possess,

As you fail to face it up front.

A little knife and a room,

A little kidnap might be said.

A sigh of relief as it’s contained,

As the secret is already dead. 

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