Mr. & Mrs. Marshall

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Chapter 57

Eva came awake slowly and alone. Her IV was also gone and a plate of saltines nearby with soft brie

and a cup of ginger tea. Eva ate slowly wondering if Noah left for work or simply left. She would stop

make him her life she vowed. She was fine without him and would be fine when he was gone.

Noah entered the bedroom saw her eating and smiled Dr. Patton checked you when you were asleep

and gave me some pamphlets to read and a few websites to check out on this baby thing. It seems

we were a little unprepared, she said. He said jovially as he sat down beside her. How are you


Good. She mumbled between bites.

Thats good. Theres some fruit if you want. Noah suggested.

Not yet.

Ok. Well, I only remember how not to make a baby from biology, and I need to read up on the

pregnancy thing itself. Apparently, I am literally the reason you could eat, it looks like my hormones

are affecting you as well. Everything I do affects you.

Dont you have work? Eva asked suddenly.

Nah, I took some time off. Should I draw you a bath milady? Noah teased with a bow.

Stop pretending to be nice to me. Eva said coldly.

I thought you said you still loved me. He asked with a pout.

Unfortunately, I cant change that, so I will have to tolerate your presence for the sake of the baby

after that Im getting a divorce. Eva told him.

Well you contradict yourself right there. You cant claim to love me and take my child away and btw

Im not signing no fucking divorce papers. Ill put the honey milk bath oil you like so much in the

water. He tacked quickly on as he went into the bathroom.

But she heard him. You cant do that!

What no oil? He asked all in innocence.

I mean the divorce, you cant do that.

Well how are you planning on getting a divorce if your pregnant again? He asked with a low growl

from the bathroom.

What? Eva gasped.

Hm? He asked with a tilt of head as he re-entered the bedroom.

Eva wagged a finger at him. Im not playing with you Noah!

Do you need help going to the bathroom? He asked ignoring her rage.

No, I can take care of myself. Eva said but it was an action she couldnt fulfil as she fell shakily back

into the bed. Noah approached, and her hand shot out to block him I can do it.

Of course, you can. He said drolly as he picked her up with ease. She pouted adorably in his arms

looking just like his old Eva.

I could have done it you know. She declared making that face he wanted to kiss.

I know, but I think its time for a change of regime.

What do you mean? Eva asked as Noah set her on her feet.

Alas the reign of the Red Headed Queen must come to an end. The reign of King Noah has begun.

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