Dangerous Secrets

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Despite everything his mother, aunt and uncle continued with the wedding plans with little input from the wedding couple. The wedding was set for the end of fall in two more weeks and Noah was worried now more than ever because no one but him seem to notice Eva wasn’t the same. With his mom, she acted like nothing happened and the fracture of her right hand was the result of a bad fall. He even heard her tell Olivia that when she asked about it. Though Olivia was never told about the incident by the family, it seemed that she knew anyway. Her behavior towards Eva changed from jealous hostility to some sort of pitying acceptance. The two even went shopping together for Olivia’s wedding ensemble and chatted like old friends.

Noah was glad Eva was getting along with every member of his family but he wished he and Eva were getting along better. Since the incident two months ago, intimacy had taken a hit. There was no sex. He never complained to Eva but his needs were getting harder to hide – literally. Once they were lying on the couch watching 300, when Leonidas was pounding his wife, little Noah had made his feeling clear on what he would like to pound. Eva had simply blushed and moved off of him to the armchair. He didn’t pursue her.

Another time she had just stepped out of the shower wrapped in a towel and he just sat there, on the bed, watching her, like a creepy pervert hoping she’d drop the damn thing. Eva, of course felt his stare, intense as it was and changed in closet. Good thing too, because he was seconds away from pouncing on her but remembering how she looked in that elevator cooled his libido real quick.

Eva’s hand was fully healed and all physical evidence of her ordeal was gone but in her eyes, he saw what she was trying to hide, she had not forgotten. Eva acted to everyone as though what happened was nothing but her training had intensified. Normal practice to keep in shape had begun to look as though she preparing to war and Noah reluctantly helped. Cooper even joined in when Noah was at work or just plain didn’t want to. Its not that he didn’t understand her need to protect herself, it was the look in her eyes when they spared in the FBI gym, cold and lethal.

To say he was worried about her was an understatement but when he brought it up she countered with – ‘oh is that why you never let me be anywhere by myself?’ He had nothing to say after that since it was true. When she wasn’t with him, she was either with a member of his family or in the FBI training room. She was never left alone.

They were once again in the FBI training room, Nolan was skeptical at first about having her here but after Suzanna spoke to him and he saw her kick box, he dropped it. Eva was going at it yet again, two opponents at once just hand to hand. She had already dropped the original duo five minutes ago and was currently working on bring down Stephen and Alex.

“Eva!” Noah called “Its time to go.”

That seemed to be the signal she was waiting on as she switched tactics so fast it was too late for Alex and Stephen to realize they were too late and knocked to the mat. Alex with her legs around his neck and Stephen gasping for air in front of her from a blow to his wind pipe.

Looking at Stephens, Noah commented. “I don’t think the boss is gonna like you putting agents in the hospital.”

Eva got off Alex and walked over to Stephens and hit him another swift blow to the chest. Stephens coughed a bit before he began breathing easier. Then she did that walk he loved over to her towel and said “Give me five minutes.” Before heading to the showers.

“She is a beast!” Stephens gasped, once she was out of earshot.

Noah said nothing to that statement but by Eva’s actions it seemed the fighting was a sort of therapy for her. She was more herself when she did it. It was costing the bureau the rookies ( since she broke a few) but at least she was feeling better.

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