A Favour from the Past

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"Have you gone mad?” Dave asked him as they hold up in Dave’s old family cabin. “No one takes on Valentino. You gotta be losing it, man.”

“You got your answer now where’s mine?” Terry asked him.

“I don’t know man,” Dave hedged. “Getting involved in something like this ends only one way man.”

“You always were a fucking coward!” Terry told him, poking Dave in his chest with his finger. “The one time in your life I ask you to fucking man up, your fucking balls shrivel up into your pussy ass! If you can’t do this,” Terry said coldly as he aimed his gun at Dave’s head “I’ll have to do both of us a favor and kill you now.”

“Wait, wait we’re family bro!”  Dave begged.

“So is she.” Terry said softly, his finger easing onto the trigger of his Smith & Wesson.

“Look Ter…”

“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” Terry shouted losing his cool demeanor, poking the gun into Dave’s head “NO ONE IS TO EVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT!”

“Ok, ok, easy Terry.” Dave soothed “It me remember D, we good, we good.”

As Terry calmed he pulled the gun away apologizing “Sorry D, I just…sorry I lost it.”

“No worries man, I understand.”

“No you don’t” Terry told him “Maybe one day you will, but right now I need you do this for me. I aint got a lot of time left and I wanna make sure everything’s all set before I make my move.”

“You don’t gotta do this man. This shit is suicide!”

“You think I care about that?”

“You can get someone else.”  Dave suggested. “Plenty of women out there. Nobody goes killing themselves over some dumb b…”

Dave’s words were cut off by the barrel of Terry’s gun. “Finish that sentence, asshole. Go ahead, finish it.” Terry said in a deceptively calm voice.

“What I mean is,” Dave corrected. “there’s plenty of fish in the sea. One is as good as the other.”

“Not like her.” Terry stated as his gun fell to his side. “There will never be anyone like her.”

“You had it bad man.” Dave chuckled uneasily.

“Yeah.” Terry agreed laughing with him. “I still remember the day I met her. I thought an angel had fell from the sky. I told her as much. She thought it was just a pick up line. I meant every word.” Terry finished softly.

“Wow, T if you had such a good thing why she leave you?”

Terry was angry about the question but answered anyway “Cause I got greedy and full of myself. I made plans to marry her and kept putting it off.” Terry shook his head as he remembered “It was only gonna be one score. So I could get her a few nice things, save for the future. Then I thought, we could get a house, then it was a fancy car and one day I realized, I was in too deep to ever leave.”

“Sorry about that man.”

“It not your fault D,” Terry assured him “I asked, I knew what I was getting into. I should’ve quit when she asked or ran when she asked.” Terry sniffed, fighting tears.

“Still, this is a very dangerous road you’re taking man and with no brakes!” Dave pointed out.

“That’s why I need you to protect the only thing I got left worth dying for.”

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