Here Come the Bride

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"All set” Kate whispered to Eva as she finished pining her hair in place. Although she was Eva’s assistant, she was also the closest thing Eva had to a best friend which is why she was the maid of honor.

Another reason was she knew Eva’s secrets. “I’m gonna need at least twenty minutes. Is the car ready?” Eva asked hastily as she slipped into dark pants and top.

“I could do this you know.” Kate volunteered, as Eva strapped on her knives. “You’re taking a huge risk.”

The bachelorette party starts in thirty minutes, I’ll be back by then.” Eva assured. “If anyone comes to the door before that, stall.”

“Make sure that asshole gets what’s coming to him.” Kate growled.

Eva nodded in assent as she went out the window. She rappelled down the side of the manse and into the garden before she made a mad dash to the back gate. Eva vaulted over and slid into the back seat of the waiting vehicle. Usually she worked alone but Richard was unpredictable as fuck so even her back up plans had back ups.

Tyler drove in silence to the marina. He parked some distance off and killed the lights. Eva got out and grabbing her bags affirmed quietly “Ten minutes.” Tyler just nodded in assent and settled in to wait.

In her brunette wig, black boot wedges Eva strutted confidently across the marina till she arrive at Richards fifty foot yacht affectionately called ‘Sea Bitch’. Eva had to listen to him boast about it for almost five minutes when they had arranged to meet.

Eva boarded the vessel as if she owned it and spied Richard lounging like a king drinking his favorite scotch.

“Ready to depart, my sweet.” He purred rising to his feet.

“Ready when you are darling.” Eva affirmed showing him her bag.

“You packed light.” He noticed.

Sashaying up to him she purred as she stroked his chest “Between both of us I’m sure it wouldn’t be too much of a hardship to acquire a new wardrobe. These are just my essentials.”

“True.” Richard concurred then noticing her wig commented “The black becomes you my dear but I prefer the red. Take it off.” He ordered steely.

But Eva just smirked as she felt the yacht move beneath her feet. Since Richard’s pride and joy was so high tech and there was two of them aboard, there was no need for a crew. Richard would have her all to himself once they set off, something Eva wasn’t about to let happen, never again.

Keeping on the dark wig said slowly “No.” Before he could reply she asked softly “How much of that scotch have you had since you’ve been waiting?”

“That’s my second glass.” He replied warily tilting his head towards the glass.

“Good.” Eva said pleased by his response. “Now lets get your heart rate up.” She removed her jacket and Richard smiled then looked puzzled the minute she donned knuckle bracelets.

“I have a wedding tomorrow. Can’t do too much damage to my fingers.” Eva explained still smiling at him.

“You traitorous bitch.” Richard declared as he charged her. “You fucking set me up.” He roared as he swung at her she ducked easily and he ranted “You think you’re so smart. I know how to deal with whores like you!”

“Yes,” Eva criticized throwing her own punch. The goal wasn’t to do much damaged but as she said to get his heart rate up so as he dodged, she provoked “you record them. Then blackmail them with it. Was that your plan tonight? You’re so pathetic Richie, you cant even get a woman to willingly spread her legs for you unless money was involved.”

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