Well Laid Plans

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Noah scrambled to his feet and chased after her. Even though they were probably over for some insane reason he still didn’t want her angry at him. As he reentered the ballroom, he caught sight of her red hair and gave chase but he was waylaid by his uncle “There you are, you remember Senator Cross.”

“Yeah, I have to go” Noah said trying to get by his uncle.

“What’s your hurry Noah?” and after getting a gander at the darkening spot on his jaw “What happen to you? Were you in a fight? Noah are you working right now? My God! Noah now is not the time or ..”

“Not working,” Cross interrupted. He apparently saw what Noah was looking at “red is here.”

“Noah did something happen with you and Eva?” his uncle asked gently and before he could say anything his uncle said leading him to his study “We’ll talk in private”

It wasn’t so private as Cross and Fort joined them. As soon as the door was locked Wayland turned to him “What happened?”

“Eva’s mad at me.” Noah said simply and then explained “I just messed up. I thought I could give her some space well because …” as he watched Cross and Fort “the reason is private”

“Not from us” Fort said “considering your future career, there really is no private.”

Noah was about to tell Fort where he could go when his uncle suggested “That’s a simply fix. Grovel. Women love that.”

“Or we let nature take its course.” Cross suggested and Fort nodded.

“I don’t need to speak to either of you.” Noah stated pointing to Fort and Cross then to his uncle he pointed out “Wasn’t this suppose to be private?”

“Just ignore them” his uncle suggested, causing Fort and Cross to raise their eyebrows “Look you love her. You fight for her its that’s simple” his uncle stated.

Fort and Cross were perturbed by this but said nothing as Wayland continued “if its long term your looking at with Eva, you have to think long term. You think any woman would pass up being First Lady? Besides what else is there to offer Eva but a chance to become your widow.” He stated voicing Noah’s fears. Then suggested “You woo her as she meant to be wooed, make her your wife. All you have to do for me Noah is let me handle everything. You make a few speeches here and there and in no time you’ll be in the oval office with Eva right by your side.”

“I cant believe you would use my problem to push your agenda!” Noah complained standing up.

“Be real Noah,” His uncle said sternly “you think a woman like Eva is going to stick around with a husband who’s job can kill him at anytime and what do you make a year?”

“Eva has her own money.”

“So she’ll be wearing the pants. How long before you think it’ll be before she throws that fact in your face!” when silence reigned an Noah sat back down, Wayland continued his tone gentler “Noah, I’m not trying to con you but what I’m trying to do is help you live the best life you can. You have greatness in you. You have to let it out. Think of all the good you can do not only for your country but for the entire world as President. You can curb crime with a stroke of a pen. Feed the poor. Protect the innocent. Prevent wars. You will have that power, to do it all and have Eva and your family by your side. Your father would have been so proud of you when you do.”

Noah looked at his uncle thinking for a minute then said “I’ll think about it. If I work it out with Eva and she’s ok with it maybe. Other than that I make no promises.” He promised sternly.

“That’s all I ask” his uncle agreed cheerily as Noah rose.

“I have to talk to Eva.” Noah decided.

“I understand” his uncle said patting Noah on the back as he walked him out “you go make things right with Eva, we can discuss the details another time. Just fix things with Eva.”

As soon as the door closed on Noah, Fort rounded on Wayland “You son of a bitch! You played us!”

“Noah is the candidate and the future. Who do you think I should cater to?” Wayland said pointedly.

“He’s nothing without my money!” Fort said looking as though he would strike Wayland.

Undisturbed by the potential danger Wayland stated “No, you are nothing without him. I’m sure if I play this right I can get the common man to fund Noah. You and your money need not be a part of his campaign!” he added boldly.

Fort grew quiet for a moment then said “Loyalty, I thought it was a lost virtue.” Then he smiled saying “Get the party to approve him and I may still consider this investment.”

“You think I would begin if I wasn’t sure of his chances?” Wayland grinned at them. “You worry about your precious money, let me handle the exploratory committee.”

Seeing Fort’s face Cross soothed “Wayland knows what he’s doing. This will be a done deal if we let him handle Noah.”

“What about the red head? Hmm. Who’s handling her?” Fort questionsd smugly.

“Noah will.” Wayland said simply “As he should, she’s going to be his wife after all. She’ll calm down after the wedding you’ll see, if not after she pops out a kid. It was the same with Sarah.”

“You seem so calm. She could be an embarrassment. She just decked the future candidate!” Cross pointed out.

“Once Noah calms her down she do fine. She has class, grace, she’s smart and a looker. She’ll go over well. Not to mention she lost her parents young. We can make that her stand. Adoptions. They’ll sympathize with her and eat it up.” Wayland said already planning ahead.

“You seem to have thought of everything.” Fort said carefully then warned him “But if your little schemes don’t go as plan…”

“It wont concern you.” Wayland began boldly, his hands fisted in his pants pockets “because until he’s the officially declared as the candidate. None of this, is no longer your concern”

“You’re dismissing me?!” Fort growled through clenched teeth.

“You anger Noah,” Wayland stated simply “it wouldn’t do for you to accidently insult Eva and Noah punches his campaign contributor in public because believe me the next time I’ll not hold him back.” As he leaned in,  finally voicing his thoughts.

“Well it was certainly an interesting evening Wayland. A pleasure.” Fort said as he left slamming the door behind him.

Cross released a breath he was holding “Are you out of your mind? With the kind of money he was investing we could practically fund the entire campaign.”

“So why don’t you just chase after him like always do.” Wayland said dismissing him as well with a wave of his hand.

“You act as though he’s President already and you can call the shots but you still need to kiss a lot of ass to get the money we need.”

“Then I’ll sell my house …”

“What?” Cross asked in shock.

“and all my assets, Sarah’s and Olivia’s jewelry, anything I could Jonathon.” Wayland stated sincerely “I believe in the boy. He will be great. I knew it since he was a little boy. He always had a spark. Not only that he will be a good President. Honest and just. He will be good for all of us.”

“And Eva? How does she fit in this plan of yours.” Jonathon asked
“Love makes us want to do better, be better.” Wayland said “for her he will be the best man he could be. He’ll never want to be anything less in her eyes.”

“That’s why you went against us. You knew he’d only do it if for her.” Cross said then he had a thought “But how do you get her to join our cause?”

“Who said she wasn’t?” Wayland said smugly.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: My vision for Jonathon Cross in the media.

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