Let's Be Adults

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When Noah returned at 9pm, Eva was still on her laptop. He shook his head and headed for the bathroom, showered, dressed and went to bed.

In the morning, when he arose she was already up talking to someone in what sounded like German. And going by the gestures she was making she seemed to be in the middle of an argument but then she smiled like the Cheshire cat and put the phone away from her ear still smiling. She put it back to her ear and spoke some more before hanging up.

“Yes!” Eva celebrated pirouetting around the room before she noticed Noah sitting up in bed watching her.

“Oh you’re up.” She stated lamely still smiling, “Guess what your brilliant wife just did?” she teased.

“Piss some other guy off.” Noah responded gruffly. He was still mad at her and she seem to have to forgotten what went down between them yesterday.

“Oh, he’s pissed alright!” Eva agreed as she bounced up and down. “You just got his company!” She informed him in a sing song voice.


“I bought you a medium to large company. He just got in the black these last two years and went looking for investors to expand but he made the mistake of going to the market too soon before he paid attention to who he gave what in the beginning. Through five different companies I was able to….”

Noah cut off her explanation asking “You said you bought me a company?”

“Yes! For a wedding present.” Eva explained. “I know the money thing was going to be an issue sooner or later so I thought why not get you an investment that you can make money from. Oh and by the way I want access to your bank account and I have a few documents you need to sign as well for ownership of your company and so I can handle your money for you.”

“What?” Noah asked again.

“You’re welcome by the way.” Eva stated. “The profits may not be great right now but I know in about ten years managed right, you could be looking at million dollar profits easy.”

“Shouldn’t you ask me about something like that before?” Noah said sitting up straighter.

“You don’t really ask about presents,” Eva pointed out “and two it wasn’t a done deal till about an hour ago. The previous owner wasn’t even aware.” she chuckled.

“I don’t know a thing about running a company...”

“That’s the beauty of being a owner. You have someone run it for you and you just make sure all the money and plans are checked by you.” When it looked like he was gonna argue about it she held up her hand as she added “I’ll take care of it. I just need your ok and I’ll set up an account.”

Noah still didn’t follow, “How the hell does someone purchase a company under someone else’s name, I’m not sure that’s legal.” He muttered to himself.

“It kind of isnt.” Eva hedged.


“It just a matter of knowledge and time. The documents will reflect that, don’t worry about it.”

“Don’t worry about it!” Noah gritted out “I’m an FBI Agent, you-you get me involved in….”

Eva cut of his tirade with a kiss. “Sign the damn documents, Noah.” Eva ordered taking off her nightgown. “I want to celebrate. Lets fuck.”

Noah was divided on what to do, on one hand he didn’t want to be a part of any illegal money scheme but on the other hand, he did he want Eva to stop what she was doing.

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