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Noah felt caged as he paced in  his hospital room. He’d been in this place for a week which he felt was five days more than necessary. His mother and boss had disagreed with him on that and insisted on making sure he would be ok. He wasn’t even allowed to go home when they released him, he had to stay at his uncle’s.

“Would you stop that?” Eva asked him “You’re not leaving any faster by doing it and you may damage the stitches.”

Noah stopped and rolled his shoulder in the sling. “Feels fine.” Then added sourly “I don’t even need this stupid sling” as he tried to remove it.

“Noah don’t.” Eva warned.

“I want it off me.” Noah whined.

“When we get home, I’ll take it off, gently.” She promised.

“But we’re not going home.” Noah complained “I’m going to my uncle’s”

Eva grew quiet as she thought for a moment then suggested “Maybe I could convince your mother to let you go home and I could take care of you there.”

Noah’s face lit up at the idea as he got ideas on how well she could take care of him.

“Just take care of you Noah” Eva told him reading his thoughts “There will be no sex till you’re healed.”

“Ok” He agreed quickly, shrugging his shoulders.

“I mean it Noah!”

“I said ok” but he still smiled as he said it and Eva growled in angry frustration, narrowing her eyes at him. Noah’s smile just got brighter as his mother, uncle and doctor walked in.

“Cant wait to get home huh?” His uncle greeted him.

“The release papers have been signed Agent Marshall. You’re free to leave ‘dead man’s prison’ as you’ve took to calling our health care facility.” The doctor told him dryly.

Eva and his uncle smiled at the joke but his mother looked at him in disappointment like she was wondering how she raised such an unruly child. She shouldn’t be surprised at Noah’s actions however, he was never a patient child and even worse when he was sick. Once he wanted to be Wolverine when he was eight and fractured his nose, so he could heal in a hour and be about his business, which was usually collecting an impressive array of cuts and bruises.

“Finally,” Noah ground out and got his bag, which Eva promptly relieved him of.

While they had a silent argument with their eyes about her carrying his bag, the doctor intoned “It’s the policy that the patient is properly escorted off the premises” as he gestured to the orderly with the waiting wheelchair.

“What the fuc…?” Then recalled the presence of the others and calmly stated “That’s not necessary Doc.”

“It policy.” The doctor ground out as he added “And the only way you’re leaving this place”

He was about to complain when his mother chimed in as she shook the doctors hand “Thank you doctor, we’ll handle things from here.” Or in mom speak – he had to do as told.

Noah sat grumpily in the wheelchair as he was wheeled out into the parking lot up to his uncle’s dark gray Lincoln Continental. After his uncle opened the door to the back seat, he was finally allowed to get out of the damn thing. Eva sat in front with his uncle and his mother sat in the back fussing over him.

He let her, and casually spoke as his uncle pulled out of the parking lot “I’m gonna go home to my place and Eva promised to take care of me there.”

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