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Sorry I didn't update for awhile. ..


Noah wasn’t responding to any calls and he hadn’t returned. She wanted to stay over at his apartment but it was best she returned to his uncle’s besides his mother would want to know what was happening.

Eva was afraid, the fear had taken root and intensified every hour she didn’t hear from him. She felt something bad was going on but she couldn’t call either Noah nor that idiot Cooper. She knew he was ok because when she called the bureau, they told her he was in a meeting and they’ll let him know she called. Still she didn’t think she’d get piece of mind until she saw him herself.

This is what Anabeth had warned her about at the brunch, even though she loved her son, she didn’t wish this life on any woman. She had asked Eva then if she was strong enough to bear it and at the time she thought she told the truth but now she knew she was a liar. Every part of her wanted to go to his office and drag him home to keep him safe but Noah wouldn’t want that.

Maybe she should team up with his mother, Eva thought brightly but then squashed that idea as she recalled how much Noah hated his mother’s nagging. He wouldn’t be too thrilled if she took up the habit. She would keep her fears to herself and help his uncle get him into politics she would have him at her side and she would be able to better protect him then.


Outside Valentino’s, the Mancini restaurant.

Being part of an international op was one hellva sweet deal. They had the latest in everything and was always one step ahead. The team had two agents in the restaurant besides Umberto and Gregory who were stationed outside, not to mention the use of FBI back up and Veronica and Noah who were in the building next door ‘listening in.’

“Where’s Vic?” the Mancini asked as he entered the restaurant heading towards his usual seat in the back.

“I don’t know boss.” A henchman replied

“Well somebody find him fast before that cane gets here.” He told them and they scattered to do his bidding.

Alberto took his seat, his usual calm exterior was gone the minute he got the news about his boy. His pride and joy! Some motherfucker had taken him away and when he found them they were going to pay! Welker had said he had nothing to do the hit and even though deep down he believed him, his blood was too hot and he wanted vengeance and Welker would do. Besides Antonio never liked him anyway and he had nothing else to lose.

Another man entered the restaurant under heavy guard, his face heavily bearded and in a hooded trench. He greeted the Mancini respectfully in Italian “I’m sorry for your loss….”

Alberto stood in a rage shouting at him in English “YOU ARE NOT SORRY!!” then he added more softly “but you will be.”

The man whose identity they hadn’t confirmed spoke yet again in Italian, “You know I didn’t do this horrible thing, I would never seek to hurt your family…”

“But it was your dog that did it!” Alberto argued.

“He’s a hired hand and I wasn’t the one to do the hiring.”

“Do you know who did?” The Mancini asked softly.

“No.” the man continued “information I have says he wasn’t working for anyone.”

“So you say my boy just flew across the world to get at a hired mercenary for no reason!” Alberto screeched.

“Do you have his phone?”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Alberto asked angrily.

“Someone lured the boy there. The phone may have the answers.”

The Mancini grew quiet and said to one of the henchmen “Have you found Vic yet?”

“There’s no need to look for him” the man assured him “He’s safe and for the moment unharmed.”

“YOU!!!” the Mancini screeched and Noah seriously wished that he would say the man’s name.

“I needed an insurance policy in case in your grief you were too... unreasonable.” The man told him.

“I can have you killed where you stand, Welker” Alberto growled.

"JACKPOT!" Noah whispered but Veronica shushed him saying “The charge is too weak, we wait.”

Noah was about to argue when he heard Welker say “I know and I’m prepared to die but so will Vic and the rest of your family”

“You dare threaten me!!!” Alberto shouted then added calmly “but what can I expect from a man who betrayed his family for a puttana!”

Welker had take a step before he was aware he did, but was brought up short by the guns pointing at him.

“That was different.” Welker said through clenched teeth “She was my family!” he finished pointing at his own chest.

The conversation was becoming a moot point anyway as the show of arsenal had sent the agents on the move. Noah, however was confined to sit and watch with Veronica as the others did the work. The agents had surrounded Welker, Alberto and his men and it looked like it was going to be all over without a fuss.

That changed quickly when three unmarked vehicles sped into the area shooting as they drove. The agents and Mancini’s men automatically took cover and returned fire.

Veronica voiced Noah’s thoughts when she saw the Mancini and Welker head for the back “Oh no you don’t. Keep watch.” She commanded to Noah as she ran out the door covered only by her protective vest and armed with her side arms.

He did as ordered until he saw them split up. Veronica, making a judgement call chose obviously the bigger fish chasing after Mancini, Welker on the other hand, was about to get away. Noah had wanted this for too long and wasn’t about to let him slip away that easily so he was out and after Welker before he had even realized he had made the decision.

Outside Noah spotted Welker and gave chase “FBI FREEZE!” Noah shouted but obviously Welker wasn’t stopping, one of the unmarked pulled up bedsides Welker and he was getting in. Noah drew his gun in response and they drew theirs but neither got a shot off as Noah was thrown forward heat hitting him in his back.

He heard another shot but it didn’t matter as he hit his head on the ground and the last thing he saw was Welker’s van driving off.

“Fuck!” Xavier cursed, his fucking injuries had affected his aim and now they were hampering his escape he thought as he dropped down into the sewers. This is what he was brought to by that little bitch! Running through the fucking sewers of all places to evade the CIA agents who saw where the shot came from.

He limped half dragged himself up an escape hatch, closed it and jumped into the driver’s seat of the taxi cab he parked here for his escape. As he took off his black jacket and donned a hat, he saw that he had reopened his crummy stitches. He needed a doctor and he need one now if he was going to last the night. That last thought brought a smile to his face as pulled away from the curb, because so would her boyfriend.

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