A Bad Feeling

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"You’ve made yourself very comfortable.” Noah noted as he watched Eva clad in just her panties and another one of his shirts. She was typing away on her laptop that she brought with her when they returned from his uncle’s two days ago.

“Do you need something?” Eva asked still looking at the screen.

“Not really, getting hungry though.”

The typing stopped immediately and she turned to face him wearing a siren smile as she purred “What exactly are you hungry for Noah?”

He held up his hands saying “Whoa, not what you think. Just food.” He clarified.

She pouted and turned back to her laptop and resumed her work, prompting Noah to say thoughtfully “I was called a pig once by a certain red head for only wanting sex, what does that make you?”

“Gone.” She said icily as she typed “If you ever finish that sentence.”

He wisely didn’t but couldn’t resist smiling as he said “I’ve created a monster haven’t I?”

She ignored that replying “Order a pizza, no anchovies, no onions.”

“What ever happened to equal rights hm?” Noah asked cheerily as he pulled out his cell. As he dialed Eva shot him a look that would put the fear of God in any man but he continued smiling as he ordered.

After hanging up with the pizza place he sauntered over placing his hands on her shoulder and massaging her but she wasn’t relaxing. In fact she had tensed up so he kissed her cheeks saying “It’ll take some time for the pizza to get here. Why don’t I feed my little monster?”

An elbow to his diaphragm took the wind out of that idea and out of him. He dropped to his knees coughing as she calmly continued typing.

Mental note:

1. Do not piss of the red head.

2. Sex does not fix.

He sat a safe distance from her once the pizza came and let her pick her slice first. Not until she asked him if he wasn’t hungry, he ate. They ate in silence but given what had happened earlier it wasn’t a tense one. It was one of two people comfortable in each others presence and he liked it.

Unknowingly to himself, he had begun smiling again prompting Eva to ask “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing.” He replied as he drank his beer. She had a mean interrogators stare, Noah realized as she continued to stare at him, so he said “Its just, we can be quiet.”


“So, we don’t need words”

“Oh,” she exclaimed softly.

Then as he continued to stare at her he almost ruined it by being an absolute guy “Wanna fuck?”

“No!” she replied adamantly.

But Noah knew the monster he created so he asked “You sure?”

She got up sighing as she left the table and headed to the bedroom. “Why not?” she finished dryly as she took off his shirt.

However the devil in Noah prompted him to say “Nah, I’m good.” Then continue eating as though there wasn’t a half naked woman in the doorway to his bedroom.

“You son of a …”

“And here I thought you liked my mom.” He remarked innocently.

“Fine,” Eva smiled as she sashayed away “I guess this means I get to test my toys.”

Noah lost his smile and his small victory in that one sentence. He sat there like an idiot till he had another thought. There were two ways he could take this –
1. Stay here lick his wounds or
2. Go to the bedroom and preferably lick Eva making her get rid of those toys.
Or his mind said excitedly as he conjured the image of Eva naked in his bed,
3. We use said toys on Eva.

Of course he choose 3.

It was around 2am when Noah heard the ringing. A grumpy sleepy Eva whispered “Take that off!”

Noah picked up his cell and saw the bureau’s number. He was on vacation why would they call him and at this time? He answered a sleepy “Marshall.”

“Get your ass down here like yesterday!” Cooper ordered through the phone.

“Cooper?” Noah asked stupidly.

“NO!” Cooper practically shouted in his ear “Its fucking Santa Claus! And you are about to have a very merry Christmas.”

“Welker?” Noah whispered excitedly as he sat up.

“Just as good maybe even better” Cooper told him then ordered once more “Get your dick outta Eva and get down here.”

“What happened?” Noah asked rising and rushing to the bathroom.

“What happened?” Eva repeated as she saw his actions.

“Hold on Coop heading to the shower.” Noah said and was out in less than five briskly drying off as he headed to the walk-in.

“Give it to me.” He told Cooper as he pulled on a t-shirt and jeans.

“Antonio is dead.”

“What? The Mancini’s Antonio?”

“Noah what’s happening?” Eva asked once more but he gave her a shushing gesture as he continued to talk to Cooper.


“Details are sketchy at best so far but according to sources, it was a hit.”

“Who would fucking dare?”

“That’s what the Mancini wants to know. Its going to be bloodshed until they find out. Boss wants all hands on deck. He fixing your paperwork as we speak and he’ll brief you when you get in.”

“Ok, on my way” Checking his watch he added “Give me five.” Then hung up.

He had grabbed his jacket and was heading to the front door his mind a whirl of plans and what the fucks, when he heard Eva shout “NOAH!”

“What?” Noah asked, his mind already at headquarters.

She stood there in a negligée that would make any man’s pulse race but that couldn’t compete with catching a bad guy it seems, Eva thought wryly. Seeing his confusion she asked him directly “Where are you going?”

“To work.” He responded as though it were and everyday occurrence but given his occupation it probably was.

“You’re on vacation remember?”

“They called me in.” Checking his watch he added opening the door “Get some sleep Eva, I’ll explain when I get back.”

“Noah” she called but he had already closed the door. “Be safe.” She whispered at the closed door.

She returned to the bedroom but couldn’t sleep a wink. She suddenly had a bad feeling about all this. She tossed and turned and when sleep wasn’t forth coming she got up and meditated. She ate an uneasy breakfast as her feeling of dread intensified. She needed to see Noah and make sure he was alright. Plus now she had the added fact that her chickens were coming home to roost.

Her phone rang as she was getting dressed and she checked the id and let it go to voicemail. She knew what that was about and she frankly wasn’t in the mood for petty tiffs about unimportant things. A pawn had been removed and the king was concerned but once he didn’t know of the queens actions all would be well Eva thought as she headed out the door.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: My vision for Antonio Mancini.

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