Plans and Schemes

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That was too fucking close!” Welker complained remembering the FBI agents who spied on his last meeting. “What the fuck do I pay you for, if you cant throw him off the scent properly?” he questioned angrily as he poured himself a double of bourbon.

“It wont happen again.” The man reassured calmly “maybe if you didn’t keep changing the game so much I would be able to help you more.” He complained.

“It’s never good for everybody to know everything I told you that!” Welker screeched, then calmed as he took a drink saying “Focus on your damn job! And everything will work out.”

“We should just kill him. Its simpler than this complicated bullshit” Welker’s associate complained.

“This is exactly why you are you and I am me.” Welker responded smugly then watching him discretely he commented “I’m surprised you would call for his demise, all things considered but then again, men have gone to war for such after all.” He finished facing him.

He was red in face after that comment and Welker continued casually “The choice was made my friend and there’s nothing you can do about it and from what I’ve seen there’s nothing anyone of us can do.”

“Why aren’t you worried?” his associated asked.

“As I said before: that’s why you are you and I …”

“You have a plan.” The associate stated.

“That, my friend is an understatement.”  Welker said smiling as he sat down in his plus leather armchair drink in hand. “Do you know why the powerful always seek to master games?” when he got no response Welker said “Take chess for example, the queen may rule the game but with the right moves, she can be brought down by a mere pawn.”

“Not if she has a king to protect her.”
“Yes, or a steadfast knight.” Welker said watching him “But both can be removed if need be. Either way, I will win.”

“I think I understand your game now.” He said in a bored tone “Screw everybody over until you get what you want.”

“Doesn’t everyone do that?” Welker responded “Just because you got positioned as a pawn doesn’t mean you have to stay there.” Welker said seriously.

“Yes, I could do what you did.” His associate agreed, then watching Welker in the eye he finished “I could kill the boss.”

There was a tense silence as both men eyed each other. Welker noted that while they were both armed he was older now and he recalled the other’s training so he knew he wouldn’t walk away from this gun fight. Slowly he brought his glass to his lips unfreezing himself as he said “Go ahead, you wont leave here alive anyway. Besides,” he added calmly “you’ll be doing me a favor.”

Silence reigned for a few tense moments longer then the man griped “It wont solve my problems anyway.” And then he left.

Part of him actually wished he did the deed but at least Welker knew now that he wont be the one he’d have to watch. Maybe he should keep him alive a little longer, strangely it was nice to have someone who knew him so well. Too well it seemed, Welker thought as he recalled his words about killing his former boss. So he was looking up on him was he, good for him. It would gain him nothing unless he gave the information to that damn FBI bloodhound and as things are that could seriously complicate things but he was under control any fallout would hurt him as well.

As for the bloodhound, he wouldn’t be a problem anytime soon and that vacation he’s on is about to become an extended one. By the time the FBI regrouped, he would have changed the game yet again. He only had one player to rein in but maybe in their case it was best to let nature take it’s course.

Wayland’s Home Office.

“Thanks Eric. You wont regret this, I promise you.” Wayland said as he shook hands smiling.

“No thank you, I’ll be proud to back him when the time comes. He’s a clean slate, the ordinary man, a hero, he’s perfect.” Eric said then promised as he left “I’ll help you round up support. You can count on me.”

As a younger man in the game, with a family of politician’s, he would help boost Noah to the right people. Not only that he understood that helping Noah would boost his own career. At the end of this he was guaranteed a senate position at least.

Olivia walked in decked stylishly as usual, this time it was in Caroline Herrera saying “Good, you’re free. I don’t know what they see in that loser but Theresa wants to meet Noah and you know I rarely speak to that cretin.”

“You shouldn’t be like that Liv.” Wayland chastised.

“Because he’s the son you wish you had.” She responded bitterly.

Wayland couldn’t help it if he took his duties seriously, besides there was a chance Noah could be his. Every time Will went on tour, he told him to keep an eye on Ana and he did. One time when Will’s letters became scarce and they became worried. Neither knew when comfort became something else and one thing lead to another. Nine months later Ana gave birth to Noah but since Will came home a week later she wasn’t sure who was the father and refused to check saying Will was the father. She also forbid him to tell Will or Noah and they never spoke about it again.

Wayland understood the jealousy Olivia felt towards Noah, he grew up the same way, always in William’s shadow. Ironically, it was his death that propelled his political career. Now it was potentially his son that would cement his place in political history. Even dead now, he still took center stage in his life.

“Olivia,” he began, stemming another Noah argument “Noah lost his father when he was young….”

“Well he’s old now.” She pointed out “he doesn’t need you.”

“For what he’s about to do. He will.” Her father reasoned.

“That’s another thing. Why did you chose him?” she asked. "There are others that will do a better job of it.”

“Truthfully, I never really thought of Noah as a candidate.” Wayland said honestly as he continued, “One night, I was out with Johnathon at a dinner three months ago and a gentleman next to me, heard me speak about him and he remarked that Noah sounded like a good guy and there weren’t many like him nowadays. Then he said, if our country was run by someone like that we’d truly be the greatest. That’s when the idea took. Of course I didn’t really think Noah, just someone with political experience who was like him. I even thought of running myself." shaking his head “Honestly, I’m no leader, I’m an organizer and everyone I thought of couldn’t hold a candle to him. He has what it takes and in this current political climate, his lack of political experience is actually an asset. Coached right, there’s no way he’d lose.”

“Why not me?” Olivia pouted. “Am I not good enough for you? Your putting Noah on this pedestal. You better be careful when he falls he doesn’t take you with him."

“Will your petty rivalry with Noah be a problem Olivia?” her father asked coldly. “Because if this is a problem for you I can come up with plausible excuses for your non attendance at events.”

Olivia understood the threat, he would cancel her credit cards and keep her house bound till Noah was in the Oval office. For a socialite, that was as good as killing her without committing the physical act.

“This ends now Olivia.” Wayland ordered and as she said nothing he said “We will be one big happy family for as long as I need you to be understood?” At her silent nod, he added. “As for Theresa, she had her chance, besides Noah’s spoken for.”

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