Broken Wings

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Eva didn’t stop screaming till she entered the elevator. She bundled herself in the corner rocking and weeping as it went all the way down. Thank God the suite had its own private elevator, so no one else would see the mess she was in on the way down. She foolishly left her purse upstairs, Richard would no doubt know where she lived, if he didn’t already.

The doors opened and Eva tried in vain to hide evidence of her tears and ordeal but it was to no avail because before she could exit Wayland spotted her.

“Eva?” Wayland said quietly taking in her ruined makeup, torn dress and bruises. “Noah!” was the man’s next angry shout before she could stop him.

Noah came sliding to a stop next to his uncle who said not a word but just stiffly turned his back.

“Eva?” Noah asked in shock.

“I’m fine.” Eva told him quietly.

“THIS IS NOT FUCKING FINE!!!”  Noah roared.

“Quiet boy!” was Wayland’s quiet order. “We don’t want the world in on this.”

Noah lowered his tone in understanding as he covered Eva in his jacket. “Have the limo meet us at the back entrance.” Noah asked his uncle as he pulled out his phone “Suzanna I need a favor. Can you meet me at my place in fifteen. Please bring your…rape…kit.” Noah had to swallow before he could say the words.

No words were exchanged on the way to Noah’s apartment. Noah didn’t want to know the extent of the damage and Eva refused to tell him who when he asked. He was hoping Suzanna would get her to talk and he would track that motherfucker to the ends of the earth a put a bullet in his skull but not before he crushed his balls and broke both his arms.

How could this happen? Eva had the answer to that so he asked her as they rode the elevator to his apartment.

“It doesn’t matter anymore.” Eva replied then added “I’m sorry Noah, I should have paid attention, I …”

“Its not your fault.” Noah assured her.

“I’m sorry about the engagement ring.” She said once more as she showed the damaged setting on her bruised fingers.

“Its not important.” Noah said quietly not wanting to look at her.

“Nothing happened Noah,” Eva assured him, “I got out before it did.”

“Out where Eva?” Noah asked coldly.

But all Eva said was “I’m fine now. This isnt necessary.”

Noah said nothing as they stepped off and strode to his door where Suzanna was waiting.

“I thought about having the super let me in but…” Suzanna began “Eva honey are you alright?”

“I’m fine…”

“You’re not fucking fine!” Noah cut her off angrily as he opened the door.

“Maybe you should wait out here while I examine Eva.” Suzanna said smoothly as she entered the apartment.

She took Eva to Noah’s room and as Noah waited in the living room his phone rang.

“The motherfucker is Richard.” Cooper spoke in his ear.


“Next time keep a better watch on your fucking fiancé! Richard lured her to the King’s suite. She probably thought the note came from you. Fucker is not saying a word without his lawyer. Or it could be because she punched him in the throat. Got him good in the nads too. Good girl.” Cooper praised.

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