Game Changer

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Chapter 6

Coming out of what seemed to be the longest cold shower in history, Noah walked to his closet dressed in only his towel, going to his closet to get ready for work. He still couldn’t shake the feel of her lips on his or her ass in his hands. Trying to avoid another cold shower, he killed those thoughts immediately and focused on putting on his clothes instead.

As he was sliding on his shirt, his phone rang, picking it up before he could say a word a voice said,

“Open the door."

Cooper, he thought walking towards his apartment door, as he opened it, Cooper walked in carrying two coffees saying,  “How was last night?” ,getting straight to the point.

“You’re up early,” Noah said avoiding.

Knowing him, “Stop stalling” Cooper replied, “And I want details. Talk.” He commanded.

“It was good,” Noah answered vaguely.

“She good or date good?” Coop questioned.

'She good',Noah thought but said, “Date good.”

“Uh huh,” Cooper said watching him.
    Squirming under that look he knew they’d never get to work until he gave Coop something . He said finally, “We kissed.”
   Then turned and headed back to his bedroom to finish dressing and hopefully this conversation.
But Cooper was relentless and followed him asking,

“Goodnight kiss or something more substantial?”

Changing the subject Noah said, “What happened with Cho’s lead with the coat?”

“Dime a dozen sells everywhere, don’t you try to change the subject. Answer the question!”

“A little more substantial,” Noah responded, “so drop it, will ya Coop?"

“I knew it!” Cooper said ignoring him then continued, “If a woman looked at me the way red looked at you I know for sure I’d be still at her place having breakfast, if you get my drift?”

He got it alright and the breakfast thing almost happen with little effort on his part.
   Recalling Cooper’s words he asked, “ What way?”

“You know, the ‘you make my pussy wet look’,” Cooper responded grinning.


“Really,” Cooper stated. Watching Noah’s face he added “bet she touched you a lot,” Continuing watching him, “bet she gave a peek at the good stuff?”
“No.” Noah said coming out of his trance “That’s enough of that. Lets just get to work, alright?”

“Liar,” Cooper said flatly “I’m dropping it for now. So when’s the second date?”

“Who said there was a second date?” At Cooper’s look, he continued, “Its my choice so when I decide on a time and place I’ll call her.”

“Great!” Cooper exclaimed “I think there’s a carnival over at…”

“When I decide Cooper” Noah interrupted coolly.

“Whats up your ass?” Cooper asked.
“Nothing, “ Noah stated  “and I won't be needing your car either.”

“What’s happening here? What’s up with you?” a confused Cooper asked.

“Nothing!” Cooper interrupted “this ain't nuthing. This reeks of the little woman. Are you whipped my brother?”

“No…” Noah tried to deny.

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