Chapter 36| Interest

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I hated to hang around at the base and most of the time hid in my room. I helped Mirage with whatever he wanted and besides that, I minded my own business. Mirage is driving me crazy and not because he's annoying but because I love him and don't want to tell him the truth. I am sure he's going to hate me if I would tell him the truth.
I never loved anyone before, not like I love Mirage. How am I ever get over this? Mirage is an alien. It made me wonder if there's a possible change he does like me. Can he like me? I tapped with my index finger on my chin before getting up and grabbing my computer, settling in the armchair. I opened google and asked google how you know if a guy likes you. I got tons of results and scrolled through them, reading most of them.

I jolted up when the door opened and slammed my computer closed. Mirage frowned a little, "What are you doing?" he asked. Does he really think I am going to answer that? "Research..." I replied firmly. "Research?" he repeated while closing the door. I hummed and got up. "About...? Are you working on something I don't know about?" he asked, sighing a little bit annoyed. "No, my own research... on stuff... not for mechs," I said and realized how weird that sounded. "Nothing sexual... I was just-- researching... what are you doing here anyway?" I asked to change the subject.

He stared at me for several moments. "You're acting really strange lately and I wanted to check up on you," he said slowly. "I am fine..."
"you're always saying that... but I don't always believe you," he said, huffing. "Okay..." I grunted, sitting down again with the computer on my lap. "What are you researching what's so... interesting?" he asked. "I told you... it's not for mechs..." I stated. He raised a brow, "Okay, well you can just tell me... what do expect me to do with the information? Mocking you off?" he huffed.
I shifted a little, trying to come up with something. "I was... bras and panties... you see, not for mechs," I said, getting up and pushed him towards the door. "Wait... Cat..."
I opened the door and pushed him out. "Bye Mirage..." with that being said, I slammed the door closed in his face and returned towards the sofa. The last thing I want is him catching me reading how a relationship works and how to get a boyfriend. Later that evening, I went for some food and Mirage had to catch me again. "So... did you... find stuff?" he asked mockingly. "Sort off..." I grunted.

"You could tell me... I have seen you naked, why would you act so strange over bras and panties?" he asked. "It's not for mechs..." I sulked. "It has nothing to do with gender," I heard his scowl. I huffed and rolled my eyes, "Mechs get ho--" I cut myself off just in time. "I dare you to finish that sentence!" he snorted. I ignored him and grumbled under my breath while grabbing food and walking over to a table next to the window. Not even waiting for Mirage.
He settled beside me and glanced at me again, "For real... you're acting so strange," he said. "I am not..." I sulked. He huffed and we ate in silence, this made me remember one of the pick-up lines I had read this afternoon. I actually wanted to try so badly. I stopped eating and turned towards him. "Mirage..." he hummed and looked at me.

"I have lost my teddybear... would you mind being my teddybear tonight?"

He stared blankly at me. Didn't work? I offered him a weak smile, but he seemed to be unsure what to say on that. Why doesn't it work? I remembered it right... "I have a patrol..." he replied eventually. I nodded, trying to hide my embarrassment.
After dinner he just left, leaving me all alone. I spotted Sideswipe on the couch, eating with his brother. I got up and sat beside Sideswipe, getting attention from both brothers. "I have a quick question..." I said. "Go ahead..." Sunstreaker sulked. "How do you flirt?"
They stared at me as if I was crazy. "Flirting? You?" Sideswipe grinned. "My pick-up line didn't work... why not?" I asked. "How did you tell him?" Sunstreaker asked. "Well... we were eating and I turned towards Mirage, just saying it," I stated. "You're trying to flirt with Mirage?" Sideswipe asked amused. I flinched and looked down, shrugging my shoulders. "Look, Cat... that's not flirting you need to be... not so serious..." Sunstreaker said. "Okay... don't tell anyone, it was stupid anyway," I said, getting up. "Yeah yeah..." I heard him grumble.

I hummed and looked down at Sideswipe. "Smile... no serious expression, okay?" he asked. I gave a small nod and left. I walked over to my room, looking through some paperwork but couldn't really focus. I didn't want Mirage to find someone else. I bit the skin around my nails frantically, staring at the wall.
The next morning, I was really early and was already working before any of the Autobots were already awake. Dino strode in around 10 O'clock after his patrol. He greeted me and started talking about what he wanted me to do, but I got badly distracted by his body. Just seeing his abs through his redshirt and bare arms. He has some nice biceps. My eyes traveled over his chest towards his legs. I could easily see the muscles in his thighs now he's wearing black ripped skinny jeans. Every curve was visible. For a moment, my eyes landed on his crotch.

He was too busy talking and grabbing some stuff. I didn't even hear him say my name. "CAT!" he nearly shouted. I collapsed on the floor and looked up as he gazed over the desk with a frown spread over his face. I blushed and got back on my feet, "have you even been listening?" he asked. "Yes...?" He sighed and crossed his arms. "I have to go..."
His mouth nearly dropped, "What? Why?" he asked, throwing his arms in the air. "Because... I have too..." I said, walking up to the door. "W-wait... where do you go then?" he asked. "I don't know..." With that being said, I slammed the door closed and stormed off.

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