chapter 24| rookies

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I woke up that night around 1 AM. Mirage in a deep sleep. I slowly slid out bed. Again these horrible nightmares that kept me awake or woke me up. I brushed some long blonde hair from my face. The tears jumped in my eyes from moving my back. The pain was driving me crazy, I reached a point I wanted to slam my head against the wall and knock myself out.
I wasn't even sure what to with myself anymore. I am a mess and if that's not enough I also started my period. I could feel the pain clearly in my lower abdomen and back.

I buried my face in my hands, letting my tears flow. A soft sob slipped from my lips. Just one little sob but enough to wake up Mirage. I felt him move and sit behind me. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly. "Nothing, just go back to sleep," I muttered. He sighed and turned on the light from the small lamp on the nightstand. "Tell me."

"Just stupid hormones..."
"Your period? I learned it makes females more emotional," Dino said. "Exactly," I sulked. "What else, this can't be it," he stated. "My back, the pain is killing me," I sulked. "And?" He pushed. "Nightmares." I grumbled. "You take care of your female problem, then I take care of your back and nightmares? Alright?" He asked.
What else could I possibly do. I gave a small nod and got up, grabbing some things I needed before I left. When I was done, I returned and stuffed my former pj pants in my back before sitting on the edge of my shared bed. He came closer, injecting me again. The pain faded quickly and shortly after the injection. Also the pain in my stomach.


I gave a brief nod and laid down. Mirage got up, laying the needle on the table before he laid back down and turned off the lights. He came closer and wrapped his arm around me. I slowly reseted my head on bus shoulder, my arm over his waist.
I could feel all his muscles and heard the strong beat of his spark. "Carriers use their spar beats to prevent their sparkling to have nightmares or calm them down if they are upset," Mirage said quietly. "Mechs don't do that?" I asked. "It's more a female thing, but it doesn't mean we can't do it," he replied.

I closed my eyes and listened closely to his spark beating steadily. It's indeed calming and I slowly started to drift into a deep slumber again, this time without nightmares, like Mirage told me.
I woke up in the same position, Mirage was already awake. "How did you sleep?" He asked. "The second part was better, no nightmares," I sulked. I froze as he pressed a kiss on my head. Startled I looked at him as he got up "let me have a look at your back," he ordered. With a soft sigh, I rolled on my stomach.

His warm hands sneaked under my shirt, pulling it up a little. I shivered a little at the soft touch. "Does it hurt?" He asked. "It's fine," I mumbled a little bit embarrassed. He caught my eyes "what? You're blushing," he said. "It's nothing!" I snapped. "If you say so..." he muttered under his breath.  He helped me clean up some wounds before we both started or daily routine. Even it takes me long to dress up and get ready, Mirage managed for take an entirety to get his hair done.

I sat on the double bed watching him, biting my lips slightly. "You're down, Mirage! Can you please hurry up?" I sulked. "I didn't ask you to wait," he muttered. "Great!" I said, getting up and walked over to the door. "It wasn't an invitation to leave either," he muttered. "You're busy for like...45 minutes or so, I am sick of waiting," I snapped, leaving.

I heard him sprint after me "okay, fine... I am done," he muttered. After our breakfast, we watched some rookies train but I felt useless at this point. Watching them train is boring, I wanted to have a walk but Mirage made me stay. Very annoying...

He wasn't watching me for like a second and I sneaked away. I made my way into the forest and climbed on a rock, staring at the water of the small creek. "Sneaking away? Really?"

I groaned "leave me alone, Mirage," I sulked. "Why would I?" He challenged. "Stop it! I am not in the mood for your stupid games," I snapped, glaring at him. "You became my guard dog for 24/7!" I sulked. "Do you even realize you've tried to commit suicide?" He asked.
"To mislead you! To get rid of you..." I snapped. "You rather kill yourself then be my partner, I get that."
He sounded a bit saddened "you set me up," I snarled. "What?! I didn't set you up!" He brought out. "Oh please, Mirage! Because of you I am stuck at N.E.S.T again! You're not my guardian, nor my friend! You're my superior! Why don't you act like my superior?" I snapped.

"I just wanna make sure you're okay," he stated. "Well maybe you should stop trying! You can't help people that don't want to be helped. Is that so hard to accept? You dragged me to this place, knowing it's completely useless for both of us! So why? Tell me what the fuck I am doing here!" I snapped.

He climbed on the rock next to me "first of all, Lennox wanted us to go and he asked me to make you come too, and second of all, I didn't set you up! I needed you... that's all," he said. "Can you do me a favor?"
He looked back at me "leave me alone for like ten minutes? Are you able to complete that task?" I snapped, getting off the rock. "Cat come on! I am not a boogie man! I have helped you as well! I am not a complete bother to you!" He said.

"What do you expect to get? You hope I will talk now? So you can get me to a mental hospital? " I spat out. "No! We talked about this!" Mirage snarled, getting off the rock. "You have a depression, you can deny it but it's true... everyone knows and sees it, the only person that doesn't want to see it is you!" He said, jabbing a finger in the center of my chest. "You're a jerk, do you know that!" I snapped, pushing him.

"Stop it, Cat! You know what I am waiting for?! The moment you break and fall apart! I can tell you that it's going to happen! The mental pain is too much for you to carry alone," he snapped. "That's just bullshit! Do you really think I will run into your arms, crying like a baby? I rather die then falling apart in front of you! It's not going to happen!"

"Just leave me alone! Go brother Sideswipe or Jazz!" I snarled, walking off.

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