Chapter 13| recovery

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I was sitting next Mirage on his bed, he was curled up while I was looking through some files. He forced me to sit next to him and work. His ocean blue eyes kept looking at me. "Just ask whatever is on your mind. Your staring starts to annoy me..." I muttered. "Was your brother always abusive?" he asked. "not always... but our parents abused us a lot, so he reacted his frustrations on me," I said. He hummed while taking the file from me. "Mirage!" I sulked. "Don't... I just want to have a look," he said. I sighed and slid off the bed, grabbing my leather jacket. "Where are you going? You are not done yet," he said.

"I am now... I am going to have a walk," I said. "Cat... we just started," he said. "Uhm, no. You just started, I am working since 2 AM," I sighed. "What? Why?" he asked startled. "I couldn't sleep... that's why. Now if you excuse me... You are not my superior," I said, leaving the room.

((Mirage's P.O.V))
I sighed. Cat is blocking me again and I knew she was mentally unstable and close to a mental breakdown again. I slid out of bed, groaning a little bit, dressing up, and left the room. I knocked on the door of the medbay before walking in. "Mirage," Ratchet greeted. "Glad you came, I am going to remove your stitches," he said. "Does it have to be now?" I asked. "Yes!" he stated firmly. "Now, remove your clothes and lay down," he ordered, closing the door. "Why did you come?" he asked as I removed my shirt. "Cat... why else," I muttered, kicking my shoes aside. "What's wrong with her?" he asked. "She's not sleeping, she gets skinnier and she's close to another mental breakdown," I said, removing my jeans and boxers before I laid down on my stomach.

Ratchet grabbed some blue gloves and slid them on. He shook his head slightly "I have tried so many things, but she's not talking," he said. "There's something else, she hasn't told you yet, but people experimented on her. They also put something in her womb so she's temporary, not able to get sparked. I want you to get that out..." I said. Ratchet stopped and looked at me "What?" he asked. "You have to get it out... it's not good for her, but the whole point... I wasn't allowed to tell anyone. She's also a hybrid. They changed her DNA."
Ratchet sucked in a breath "They were planning to sterilize her... what they put in her womb was just temporary. It's some sort of old Nazi program to create spies," I said. "Sent her to me, I will make an echo of her stomach and see if I can find out what it is," he said. "She's not going to do that... she doesn't want you to even know. I am telling you this because I am afraid it might harm her or something. It can't be good..."

Ratchet was silent and worked on my stitches to get them out. "Okay, I am going to ask you something I would never ask anyone, but it's to help Cat," he muttered. I looked over my shoulder. "Which is?" I asked. "I am going to give you some sleep aid and I want you to put in her drink. If she's asleep, you bring here so I can have a look," he said. I gave a small nod and felt my stomach twist in horror. She would get so mad at me. When Ratchet finished and I was all dressed up, he gave me the sleep aid and instructions.

As usual, I found Cat in the office. Just like me, she didn't drink coffee. So, I had made her a cup of tea. She looked up as I handed it to her. "Thanks," she said, obviously in a better mood than before. She placed it on her desk and got up, opening the metal cabinet. "Lennox gave me some files, I looked through them but you need to sign them," she said, handing them to me. "Why do you ask me so sign them if you always fake my signature?" I asked, walking over to my desk in front of her. "I am trying to be nice for once," she snapped. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my pen. "Why did you make this?" she asked, pointing at the tea with a very scorn look in her eyes.

"Thought you would like some tea. As you said, you are working for two in the morning and I know you like tea. Nothing special," I said, shrugging my shoulders. She stared at me for several moments, obviously scanning my face. "Hmm..." she muttered, turning back to her work. "Blue fruit... your favorite," I added. She gave a small nod and started working. I watched time pass and watched her drink the whole cup of tea from the corner of my eyes. I also started to notice she was fighting against sleep. Hopefully, she wouldn't notice I put some sleep aid in her drink. She was going to murder me for drugging her.
"You're okay?" I asked, glancing at her. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" she asked, tilting her head stubbornly. "You look tired," I said. She didn't reply to that and got back to work. It took longer then I thought and saw her fighting against it. I perked my head up as I heard a loud thud and got up. She had fallen off her chair and laid on the floor. I crouched down "cat?" I asked, pushing her a little to see if she was asleep.

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