Chapter 26| too much

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We were back at the base and Mearing caused me even more work then before, Dino had a mission so he had no clue of all the stupid things I had to do. Maybe it's a good thing he's on a mission. The door opened and Mearing walked in "Any further?" she asked, crossing her arms. "I told you that if I have new information I will give it to you!" I snapped, glaring at her. "it's been two days and you have achieved nothing!" she shouted, slamming her fist on the table. I said nothing and stared at her "You are telling me, you can't do anything without Mirage? Is that the problem?" she snapped. "No! But you gave me other shit to do as well! How do you want me to do all this work!" I snarled.

"I thought you said you could handle it!" she mocked. "I can! But not with the time you gave me!" I hissed, getting up. "You're not in the position to yell me!" she shouted back. The tension started to rise and I was so close from attacking her. "I don't think you realize I am working and day and night! You will get what you want soon!" I snarled, walking over to her. I couldn't see her anymore and left, slamming the door closed.
It pissed me off, why on earth wasn't I able to finish all of tasks she gave me? It's not like I haven't had this much before, but my head is spinning, feelings overwhelmed me and I was scared. I hated to feel 'fear' and I had no idea either why it was there. It just came up and stayed.

I slammed the door of my room closed, pacing around before I shove all the files off my desk with a roar. I furiously smashed my hand in the mirror, making it shatter and cut my hand. I looked at the gap in my wrist, a piece of glass was stuck, but strange enough, I didn't feel it. I was snapped back to reality as I heard my phone and saw a message from Mearing, or more a warning. In my anger, I threw my phone away and left the room, I never been so angry before and I didn't even know why. Was I angry with Mearing or angry with myself because I couldn't complete the tasks on my own. Was it really too much?


Someone grabbed my shoulders. "Leave me alone, Mirage!" I hissed. "What happened? Why are you so angry?" he asked worriedly. I glared at him "Come on," he said, pushing me into a meeting room. "Talk to me, Cat... what happened?" he asked. "Mearing! That's what happened!" I shouted. "Okay, sshh.. you don't have to scream, okay?" he asked, walking up to me. "Sit down," he ordered, pushing me on a chair and kneeled down in front of me. "What did she say?" he asked. "I couldn't finish all the work she gave me and she came to complaining about it. She said I am useless without you," I growled.
"You know that it's not true, you're perfect capable of handling it yourself," he said. "I can't... I need you to help me," I said in a whisper, my voice shaking. I looked down at my lap. "Okay, then we do it together, it's not a big deal..." he said. I met his eyes again before looking at my wrist "It hurts..."

Mirage lifted my sleeve and turned my hand a little. "How did this happen?" he asked. "I was angry..." I muttered. He brought his hand to my face, placing his hand on my cheek. I leaned in his warm hand. "How was your mission?" I whispered, opening my eyes to look at him. "It was okay," he said. "Come on... let's get this fixed," he said, helping me up.
Ratchet didn't ask how it happened and stitched me, giving me some painkillers as well before he dismissed me. Dino took me back to the office and sat down behind my desk. I told him everything I knew. "And I have achieved nothing..." I ended, looking down. "It's not a bad thing if there's a moment you don't know the answer... Mearing as to wait," he stated. I met his ocean blue eyes again.

I settled in the armchair, watching Mirage. "Which year?" he asked. "Uhm...2008, or it could be 2010..." I rambled out. Mirage turned his head "It's very unlike you to not know the answer on a simple question like this..." he began. I got up "I know, but I have disappointed you more then once, so it shouldn't surprise you," I sulked, walking over to the door. Mirage was faster and blocked my way "I said nothing about disappointing me... you haven't disappointed me..." he stated. "You're just tired... get some sleep, okay?" he asked. "And leave you with all this shit?" I mocked. "It's an order... you asked my help, so take my advice and get some sleep," he said. I gave a small nod "alright..." I whispered.

He stepped aside to let me through "March..." he turned to look at me. "Excuse me?"
"March 23th 2011. The answer on your question," I said. He gave a weak smile. I turned around and left, walking over to my room. I quickly cleaned up the mess I had made before laid bed, closing my eyes and let the darkness surround me.

As I opened my eyes, I was back in the office, Mirage wasn't there. I looked around, jolting up as the door opened and my brother stormed in. "You have disappointed me!" he sneered, holding his knife tightly in his hand. "I- I-" I stuttered, backing off. "I asked you just one simple thing! You need to know the answer!" he shouted, shoving the files of the desk. Without knowledge you will die! They will get to you, ambush you!" He shouted, hitting my face. I collapsed on the floor and ducked away. "We are spies! People will hate us if we don't know the fucking answers! They will think we keep things behind, is that what you want? Do you want to be a traitor!?" he snarled.

I shook my head frantically "Then be a spy and do your job!" he screamed, marching over to me. I grabbed my hair, hoisting me up and threw me against the wall, glass from the mirror shatter around me and cut through my skin. I let out a scream, collapsing on the floor. "Don't forget who's in charge here!" he screaming, kicking me in my stomach.
I woke up with a scream, falling on the floor. Completely covered in sweat. My body couldn't stop shaking from the dream that once had been a memory. It had never happened before that I dreamed about my memories I had locked away. I got up, shaking. To calm myself down I sat down on my bed.

after a few minutes I found the courage to change my clothes and returned towards the office. Mirage stood in front of the metal case file cabinet, reading through something. He seemed to be surprised when I strode in. "Are you okay?" he asked, walking over to me. "Yeah... Yeah... I fine," I said, stepping back as he wanted to touch me. "What did you find? Any useful things?" I asked, grabbing some files. "You are definitely not okay," he mentioned, crossing his arms. "I am fine... can you please just talk?" I snapped.
"Nothing for so far..." he said slowly. "There must be something, just something we can give her, even it's something small it will shut her up. It's enough for her..." I grumbled, looking frantically through some files. "Cat..." I ignored him till he grabbed my wrists. "Stop..." he ordered. "She can wait..." he stated. "No! She can't wait... I need an answer now!" I snarled. "We don't need to have an answer now, why do you need it now?" he asked as I pulled myself free.

"Not knowing the answer is bad! It's our job to get information! To infiltrate and know things other people don't! It's bad... It's bad..." I sulked. "It's not a bad thing... it simply means we need more time! Rome isn't build in one day either..." he stated as he followed me. "You are acting strange," he said, pushing me against the wall. "You have always an answer on everything... just not this one time... let it go," he said, holding me tightly. "Let me go..."
"Calm down! Can you do that?" he asked. I gave a brief nod "I am calm... I am calm," I sulked. He loosened his grip on me. "you're fine... it's fine, really... you didn't disappoint me, you didn't anger me with it... it's okay," he repeated. "Why do you think I think that?" I rambled out. "I guessed it and you just confirmed," he said. "Do you really think I would beat you up? Do you really think I will hurt you for not knowing the answer?" he asked.

"I didn't say that," I muttered. "But you are thinking it... listen, I want you to leave this room and hand me this case. You get some food... alright?" he asked. "I can't do that..." I whispered. "Yes, you can and you will, because I ask you. Next time it's an order..." he warned. I sucked in a breath "Fine... whatever," I muttered, leaving.

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