Chapter 12| 3 hours

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I was sitting in the office I shared with Mirage, completely done with that mech already. He's working on my nerves and I only tried to help, to support him. For once in my life, I tried to help him. I searched through some papers and figured out I left one file I needed at Mirage's room. With an annoyed groan, I got up, showing the office chair away from me. I wasn't going to talk to him, or help him! He screwed it up badly...

I walked in, ignoring Mirage that was groaning. I frantically searched for the file I needed. "I am sorry!"
I ignored Mirage, I was done with him. "Cat! I said I am sorry," he repeated. I glanced briefly at him as I found what I needed. "Okay..." I said, walking voetbal the door. "Don't leave... Please,"

I sighed heavily and crossed my arms while looking at the spy. "I know it was my fault... I am sorry for what I said and did... I know you tried to help me," he said. "Then why do you act so stupid!" I snarled. "Because I am your superior! You shouldn't see me like this!" He snapped back. "Don't snap at me or I leave and this time I will not return!" I hissed. He looked away for a moment "drop that stupid title! You're not working so you're not my superior!" I snapped.

"If I am not in charge you'll do things behind my back!" He shouted. "You don't know anything about me! I told you before I don't need a superior!" I spat out. "Optimus is my superior! You're not!" I snapped as I strode over to him. "I have tried to help, you fragger!" I sneered. Dino glared at me "what was it you did to me? You locked me up in a cell... I can do the same with you... you're on non-active," I growled slyly. Dino gritted his teeth "You don't work, you have nothing to say..." I stated, tilling my head.

"You stay here and starve, I am not going to help you anymore! Now if you excuse me, I have a meeting in about an hour," I snapped. l before I left, smelling the door closed.

((Dino's P.O.V))
I groaned in pain and frustration. I couldn't let her do this on her own, she's never going to let me in again. It I don't get out of bed know, she's going to do things on her own. With a soft grunt, I hoist myself out of bed, grabbing the wall in support. Apparently, I am more busy then I thought.

I managed to pull on my shirt, boxers and jeans. It's a huge discomfort, the pain was killing me. I walked over to our office, seeing she was indeed preparing for the meeting. I limped and closed the door behind me. "Which case Sint-Hubertus meeting about?" I asked.
She glanced at me "you shouldn't be here," She grumbled. "I am working, so I am back in charge! Talk to me!" I snapped. She turned towards me, showing the case file. "It doesn't matter, you're not coming to the meeting. You're not invited anyways," she said. "Because they think I am resting," I said. "They didn't ask for you in general... if you don't believe me ask Lennox or Optimus," she said coldly.

"Why not? Why didn't they want me to join?" I asked. "I don't know... I don't care either," she sulked. "I am sorry, okay! I am sorry for snapping at you! I know you tried to help me," I said, walking after her. "Cat please!"
She sighed and glanced at me as I caught up with her "you can't come, no matter what you say, you're not invited," she sulked. "You're always giving me speeches you want to help me and all that scrap but in the meantime if I try to help you then you don't want it. Unlike you I am not going to keep trying. If you don't want it then fine, but don't think I am going to nurse you now. So, if you want something ask Ratchet or do it yourself.

"But I want you to help me..."

"Too late for that, now piss off! I am working," she groused, pushing open the door of the archive. No way she was going to that meeting on her own, she's going to shut me out for sure.
"I am going to that meeting too!" I stated as I caught up with her. She rolled her eyes "you can't even sit..." she grumbled. "I am going anyways!" I snapped. She walked off "fine, just grab that file over there," she grumbled. Surprised me yet satisfied me. I grabbed the file and took note of her leaving already.

"Cat..." I snapped as she locked the door. "Cat! Let me out!" I snapped. "If I am done, I warned you! You locked me up now you stay here!" She snapped back. "Cat! I screamed, kicking against the door. 

I felt horrible and I didn't want to stay here either. I leaned my forehead against the wall. I couldn't believe she locked me up in here, she set me up and I just tried to help... that's all I wanted. She's mentally unstable, I have to help her out...

((Cat's P.O.V))
The meeting took three hours and I kept thinking about Mirage. He must think I forgot about him by now. I actually started to feel bad and decided to make him some dinner as soon as I was done. After all, I set him up and dumped him in the archive.
When the meeting finished after half an hour, Ironhide walked up to me. "How's Mirage?" I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know, I guess he's fine... not sure tho," I muttered. "Don't you care?" He asked. "If he's not acting like a toddler..." I sulked.

Ironhide shook his head "Please, try to be nice for that mech. He's trying so hard to be nice for you..." he said. I gave a brief nod and walked over to the archive. I sucked in a breath before I unlocked the door. Seriously no one came in here expect us spies. I didn't think someone freed him and besides that, the door is still locked.

I walked in, Mirage looked pretty defeated and depressed. He gazed at me "three hours! More then three hours, you've no idea how I feel!" He snapped. I walked over to him, his hands as cold as the north pole. He glared at me "I already thought you would think I forgot about you," I mumbled.

He pushed me aside and limped through the halls.

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