Chapter 14| I lost my trust

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I was only able to cry. The tears kept flowing from my eyes, not making me look better. I am curled up on the double bed in a motel outside Washington DC. Crying.
I couldn't believe Mirage did that to me, after I told him something no one else knew. I had no place to go, I felt tired and scared. There's no one I can trust... there's no one that cared about me. 
Everyone rejected, hurt or betrayed me. They told me Mirage would never ever hurt me but look at what he has done...

((Mirage's P.O.V))
My stomach twisted in horror. I messed it up, badly. Why was I so stupid. She began to trust me and tell me things. If I wasn't so selfish it would have happened. "I feel horrible about it," I whispered mostly to myself. "You've all the rights to feel horrible! It's your damn fault she left!" Lennox snarled, slamming his fist on the table. "We need her! She knows things no one else does! She's important and now all our information is walking over the streets! You broke her trust and privacy!" Lennox snapped.

"Stop telling me that! I know, okay! I just tried to help and solve this case!" I snapped. "She's never going to trust us, or you. You ruined it for everyone here at the base!"
"She's mentally unstable, she needs support and we thought you could give it to her! How could you!"
"I get it, okay!" I shouted. "No! It's not okay!" Lennox shouted back. "Find her! She's a teenager, Mirage!" I flinched and got up.

I tracked her, which was odd. I hadn't expect to track her down this easily. Apparently, she's pretty upset. I pulled up into the parking lot of the motel and cut my engine. An old man sat behind the desk and looked up as I cleared my throat. "I am looking for a teenager, straight blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, 5'11 tall, very slim..." I said. He turned and handed me a key. "Room six, at the end of this hall on your left side," he said. "Great..."

I walked off, halting when I reached the door and sucked in a breath before I walked in. The sight broke my spark, shattering it into thousand of pieces. She was crying, completely upset and I have no idea for how long she had been crying and lay down on the floor. Guilt overwhelmed me and tore me apart.
It remembered me his fragile and young she actually is. People underestimate that because she's probably one of the best spies in the world. They forget she's just a teenager, just like me very young. If I would walk up to people on the street and ask them if they would believe me I am a spy, they would say no too. Simply because I look like an 18 year old teen. She's not any different.


She looked at me "go away! Leave me alone you traitor!" She sneered. "Please..." I whispered, kneeling down her arms were covered in blood, as if she had cut herself. "What did you do?" I whispered. "Go away!" She spat out, almost hitting me. I backed off quickly. "I hate you... I hate you so horrible much! It makes me wanna kill you!"

The hate that rose up from the deepest point in her body scared me. She really hated me, she really wanted to hurt me. "Cat, please... hear me out," I whispered. "I am done listening to you! You're only here because I know more then you do! You're not any better then the fallen or Unicron! You're far below them... you don't even belong with the Decepticons!" She sneered, hitting me. I got up, backing off while she slowly crawled back in her feet, dizzy and stumbling.

She grabbed a gun off the table "you're going to shoot me?" I asked. "No, not you..." she sneered, pointing the gun at her head. "There's only one option to get away from you, to finally get rid of you and this life! You showed me I can not trust anyone," she sneered. "I know you're upset but I am just here to talk. Give me the gun." I hold out my hand and approached but stopped as she loaded the gun.

"If I shoot, all my knowledge is gone, you will never be able to solve cases. Do you really want to risk that?" She snapped, tears still running down her cheek. "Cat, please... you don't have to do this," I whispered. "I am sorry, I was wrong and I should've asked you before hand. I am sorry I broke your privacy—"

"Do you really think it's the privacy part that upset me!" She spat out. "I hate because I told you something that I've never told anyone before. Something I trusted you with. I thought you said you could keep secrets and that I could trust you. This the exact reason why I refuse to let you in, to trust you. I can not trust you... you betrayed me. You're a traitor. So if I pull the trigger and I die, it's your fault!" She sneered.

"I regret what I did..."
"You even hold me down when I told you stop!" She spat disgustedly. "I know, I know... whatever you want with the thing from my womb, it's an dead end anyways. So you did for nothing and lost my trust in you forever. I was stupid to tell you things. I should've know you would betray me and use me for your own purposes! I told you the consequences, didn't I?"

"Go away, Mirage or I kill myself right now and here," she snarled. "Cat, you don't have to do this, please..."
"How could you!" She snapped, seriously hurt about the fact I betrayed her. I saw the disdain full glimpse in her eyes. She seriously hated me and I knew I messed it up badly.
"I need you... you're right I can not do this without you," I said, looking in her watery ocean blue eyes. "Too late for that now, Mirage... leave or I pull the trigger," she warned.

I stared at her for several moment, raising my hands. She watched me like a hawk, ready to pull the trigger. I had to be faster
I lunged for her, knocking her off her feet. She dropped the gun. She surprisingly strong, I was struggling to hold her down. She gave me a head bump before freeing her hand and grabbed the gun. She shot me straight through my shoulder. I let out a scream and collapsed on the floor while she reloaded the gun. As I looked in her eyes, I didn't saw mercy or guilt.


I watched her place the gun against her and this time she shot. She collapsed on the floor. "No!" I shouted, crawling over to her. Blood formed around her head. Her lifeless eyes stared at nothing...

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