chapter 17| two months

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((Two months later))
Two long months have passed, and still, I hadn't found the courage to look through cat her stuff. The nightmares didn't leave me alone and I reached a point I wanted to kill Ford. That guy is a joke! I don't even understand why I choose that guy, all he does is mocking me off about looking so young. Instead of me being in charge, he started to take everything over, he's nothing more but a bother to me. I complained about it, but there's nothing Optimus could do about it. Even Sideswipe disliked this guy and asked me why for Unicron sakes I hired this clown.  I wasn't able to answer him, most of the human's Mearing chose were female. I didn't want another human female. Human females are complicated and I thought having a male would work out better but I was wrong again.

I parked my alt-mode on a parking lot. Today I am having my first mission since the last one I did with Cat. I was able to go to this party on my own, that clown would only keep me up and mock me off or even gossip behind my back. I hopped out, walking over to the door. I never wore smoking before, but I needed to look formal. Wearing a suit was the only way to get in. I walked in, I wasn't even allowed to drink wine or champagne. Human law is weird when it comes to drinking highgrade. I couldn't even order it in pubs because my ID showed I am eighteen and not twenty-one. I bothered me, but Optimus told me I could drink some beer at the base if I wanted. I did it only when I felt like I was going to break apart. Some alcohol did well at times. I walked around, looking around, and finally leaned against a small table, observing everything and everyone in this large room. Some soft music was playing behind me and people were chatting quietly around me. Me being a Cybertornian was able to hear everything.

My eyes fell on a female, her back turned towards me. She wore a cocktail dress, her long blonde hair, slim posture, and fair skin reminded me of Cat. I hummed softly in thoughts watching the young female. By seeing this female, it remembered me they had never found Cat's body. Why would someone steal her corpse? Had it something to do with the people that made her a spy? I sucked in a breath, thinking about it. It's not making any sense, you don't just steal a corpse.
The female walked off. I slowly followed her towards another room, I lost her when she blends in the large crowd.

I stepped into the corner, trying to see a glimpse of the young female, but didn't see her anymore. I sighed, brushing it off. I should try to find females like Cat.
I returned back to base and got some sleep, I had to get up early for a meeting tomorrow with some people from a company. I think they are trading weapons with the Decepticons. I fell in a restless slumber filled with nightmares and discomfort.

I woke up shaking and sweaty. Like usual. I glanced at the clock, 5 in the morning. I slide out of bed, took a shower to calm down, and dressed up. Without waking anyone up, I left the base, driving towards my location. I parked and decided to get some breakfast first. I went to Starbucks, even I don't drink coffee. I took Old fashioned grilled cheese sandwich and orange juice. While eating, I looked through my file one more time.
Around 7 AM, I left Starbucks and headed towards my meeting. It's wasn't as busy as I thought it would be. I counted twelve people in the room, in the next following minutes another five joined and we were told to sit down. I fiddled a little with my pen and waited. The door opened and I thought my spark stopped beating. As if she hadn't shot herself, as if nothing had happened Cat walked in.

"Morning, sorry I am late," Cat said, sitting down. She caught my eyes but ignored me, looking away. I tried to get her attention, but she didn't look at me. How on earth was this possible? I was right, when her corpse disappeared, she wasn't dead at all. Where had she been? What had she been doing? I just wanted this meeting to finish soon.
Three hours passed and when we were finally done, Cat was the first one to exit the room. I quickly followed. She's fucking fast, she's already outside...
I sprinted the last part, catching up with her. "Cat..." I blocked her way. "Where have you been? How is this possible?" I asked. "I don't talk to traitors..." she said, pushing me aside. "Cat please!"I begged, sprinting after her. "I should've known you would be here too..." she grumbled. "You were right... I need you. I am stuck with a clown, I need you back!" I said, blocking her way again. "So you can drug me, break my trust and privacy again? I don't think so... good luck with your clown..." she said, pushing me out of the way again.

"I will do everything you ask me, as long as you come back to base," I said, walking next to her. "Well well... you must be really desperate... unfortunately I am not interested, I don't need a traitor like you," she sneered. "I was wrong and I regret what I did... I regret it every day and if I could turn back time, I never would have done it! I swear..."
"I don't talk to traitors!"

"I miss you! And I need you!"

She stopped and looked at me "why don't we have a talk? Tomorrow?" He asked. "There's only one spy in the whole universe I want to work with and that's you!" I stated. She had a blank expression. "Only because I am full of information! Screw you, Mirage!" She snapped, turning around and left.

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