Chapter Eight - Pancake Day Off

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"Wakey wakey" I hear a whisper tickle at my ear and I groan in frustration, wanting the voice to go away.

"Pst! Payton! Wake up!" the voice kisses in my ear. I grumble and pull my pillow over my head, bringing my knees into myself until I'm rolled in a small ball.

Thankfully the voice went away and I could go peacefully back to sleep and allow the ringing in my ears to stop.

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" I'm tossled out of my comfortable ball and sprawled across my bed. My eyes spring open to find Carter jumping on my bed, sending the comforter flying all over the floor along with my sheets.

"Carter!" I hiss, sitting up. The ringing in my ears gets louder and a stabbing pain enters my head. I lay back down, wishing I could just go back to sleep.

"Make me breakfast." he says, plopping down onto my bed. I hoist myself up into a sitting position and stare at him, hoping lasers would come out of them and kill him. He stuck out his bottom lip and started whimpering like a puppy dog. Finally, I rolled my eyes and got up, more mad than ever. I rubbed my eyes, realizing I had left my contacts in and they were dry and killing my eyes. I quickly put some eyedrops in, giving myself relief.

"All of your family's gone, they left early this morning and left a note saying they wouldn't be back until later." Carter said, following me out the door and downstairs.

"Probably one of Stephanie's girl scout retreats." I mumbled to myself as I entered the kitchen. I walked around the island and opened up the fridge and stared into it for a second, hoping something would magically appear that I could make us.

"How about this?" Carter said, and I closed the fridge and faced him, seeing the pancake mix in his hand, "It only requires water." he said after reading the back and giving me an excited smile. I rolled my eyes and took the container from him, pouring some of it into a bowl and filling it with the correct amount of water. Carter slid onto the island and sat cross leged, watching me.

"You could help you know..." I said as I took out a frying pan, wincing at the loud banging noises it made. "Or at least get off, we do eat on there you know." he slid to the edge and hung his legs over the edge, catching me around the waist with them and pulling me towards him.

"I had fun last night." he whispered to me as he played with my hair. He bent down and kissed my neck. I rolled my eyes and pushed his head away gently, returning back to the heating pan. I poured two in at a time, humming to myself like I always do when I cook. I wiggled around and was in my own little world until I felt hands on my back. I stuck my butt out and shook it in Carter's direction. 

He moved his hands lower on my back and eventually held my butt in his hands. I tried to ignore him and continue cooking, but he was extremely distracting.

He placed his head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear as he watched my face for a reaction. "I like this shirt on you, but it's kind of in my way." he said, moving his hands down to my thankfully shaved  the night before thighs. My breathing quickened but I tried to focus on breakfast. One of his hands traveled to my waist and encircled me, pulling me towards him until I was almost sitting in his lap standing up. He nibbled gently at my ear as the hand on my thigh played with the seam of my underwear, getting dangerously close to my sensitive spot. My breath caught in my throat as his hand worked its way under the fabric. I wanted him so badly to stay there, but I quckly shook him off, startled by his actions. But I suddenly felt cold, and yearned for his embrace.

I finished making the pancakes and sat us down at the table.

"So what are we going to do today?" Carter said, shoveling them into his mouth.

"We?" I say questioningly. I didn't know he would be staying all day.

"Yeah. We. I'm not leaving you helpless and alone. And we both need some entertainment so why not spend it together?" he said, a sneaky smirk on his face.

"Well I have chores I have to do around the house. If you want to help me water the garden, do the laundry, clean the bathroom and almost every inch of this house feel free to stay." I say sarcastically, knowing he'll want to leave as soon as I mention doing work.

"Chores? When no one is home to force you? Who's the good girl now?" he says, waving his fork in my direction.

I open my mouth to retort something nasty back but Carter's phone rings, sending echoes through the whole house.

"Danny! What's up man?!...Nah I'm over at Payton's she just made me breakfast...No no no, man it wasn't like that, I can only dream." he winked at me and lounged back in his seat as I continued to eat. "She has some chores to do and I have to stay around and help." I looked up at him in surprise at this, but he just smiled. "Alright, man. See you guys soon." he hung up and put his phone back in his pocket and continued to shovel his face.

"What was that about?" I ask after a moment, getting up to put my plate in the dishwasher.

"I just found some helpers for your chores. The guys will be right over." Carter said, coming up behind me. I figured he meant Danny, Simon and Max who I had only met for moments in my car that day at the Fun Zone. But I gave him instant appreciation by jumping up and down and hugging him, yelling "thank  you thank you thank you thank you!!!!" into his chest.

"Don't worry, babe. I'll think of some way for you to repay me." he said winking and letting his hands travel down my waist when I tried to pull away. The feelings from last night returned and I could feel the yearning for him again. But I didn't know how safe I was. I couldn't tell if he was just playing me, because we didn't 'sleep' together sexually but he still stayed until the morning after.

"Oh, and by the way...I'm not a good girl. I've already stated that clearly." I say, walking towards the stairs in the direction of my bedroom.

"Yeah, but you've never proved it." he said behind me. I walked up the first few steps and then felt hands on my waist, turning me around and sitting me down. "I want to see if you can be a bad girl." he said, placing a small kiss on my collar bone. I grabbed his face in my hands and looked into his eyes. I leaned in towards him, and then out of nowhere stuck out my tongue and licked his face. I let out a small giggle and then jumped up and got away from him before he could kill me.

"Yuck!" I heard him yell after me, but I quickly shut my door before he could get in. I slipped on a pair of jeans and a normal fitting long sleeved t-shirt and put my hair in a ponytail and then emerged like nothing was wrong.

"I'm going to kill you." he said, giving me the death glare once I reached the kitchen again and slid my butt up onto the island.

"And you said I couldn't play dirty." I shrugged, my voice caked with sarcasm.

The dorrbell rang and Carter went to go let Danny, Max and Simon in. "Hey, Payton." Max called over, giving me a nod.

"Hey." I said, walking over to them. "well we have a lot of work to do, and since you guys offered to help I'm putting you all to tough work." I say after a long moment of awkward silence.

"Max, Simon, you guys get started cleaning the kitchen. Dan and Carter come with me." I say, leaving them and leading Carter and Dan up the stairs to the bathroom. "You two clean Stephanie's bathroom, I'll clean mine," I say, splitting us up, dreading the hours this cleanup would take.


Just finished writing this! It might be kind of short, if it is I'm sorry if its not then YAY!

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