Chapter Eighteen - Failure and Truth Telling

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Click. Click. Click.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Every sound inside of the classroom was getting inside of my head. The clicking of people's pens, the ticking of the clock, and the teacher who kept disgustingly licking her finger to turn the next page in the stack of finished tests she had just collected from our class.

All, except for mine.

It was English, my absolute worst subject. Even worse than Biology.

I looked at the multiple choices and my vision blurred the words. I had answered everything, but I knew most of them were wrong. I had finished the book I needed to read for the test, but I had read it so long ago that I barely remembered it.

I tapped my pen against the plastic desk. When I glanced up everyone was finished and giving me weird looks because every time the teacher said "Shh, there are still people working," they knew it was just me.

I glanced over to Carter across the room and he gave me a concerned look. I gave him a helpless look, not knowing what to do. Even Carter had sounded confident about the test today, and he never studied for anything or payed attention at all in class.

The minutes were counting down, and I knew I was losing time to go over my answers. I hesitated to change my answer form C to A, but then stopped and remembered everyone telling me, "Always go with your instinct"

So I left all my answers, feeling semi-positive with most of them when I handed my test paper in to the teacher. 

"You can talk in the last few minutes of class." the teacher said after I handed in my test.

"Pretty easy test, I don't know what could have taken some people so long to finish." One girl said with a smirk as I walked casually back to my seat. I threw her a smile and then scowled when I sat down next to the empty seat next to Carter.

"Did you think that test was super hard?" I asked Carter.

"Not really..." he hesitated to answer.

"Oh, Carter! I did so bad, I just know it!"

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do fine."

Yeah, fine if fine was failing!

The next day after school I was sitting on my bed doing homework. I had my music playing softly and a blanket wrapped cozily around my shoulders.

The house phone rang, but I let someone else answer it, knowing that if anyone wanted to talk to me they would call my cellphone.

The phone stopped after the first ring, so I guess my mom or Jim answered it.

I hummed along to my music for a few more minutes when the voices became louder downstairs and I could hear an angry conversation goign on between my mom and Jim.

A few minutes later my mom called my name.

"What?" I yelled from my room, too lazy to get up.

"Come down here for a minute!'


"We need to talk to you, just come down here, please." my mom called. I groaned, rolling off of my bed.

"Now, Payton." I heard Jim's booming voice from downstairs, and my heart stopped. He barely spoke to me, nevermind yelled at me. The last memories of someone yelling at me was...

I shook the thought form my head and went downstairs to find my mom and Jim in the kitchen. They stood on opposite sides of the kitchen, both with ana angry expression on their faces.

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