Chapter Fifteen - Expected Answers and Easy Anger

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"So when did you notice the symptons coming back?"

I was sitting in my thereapists office, Dr. Schefter. She delt with teeagers, like myself, who had psychological problems that needed to be taken care of. I hadn't been here in a year, and sitting in the cliche therapist couch laying down and looking up, I felt odd remembrances of emotional and mental breakdowns I had had in this very room.

"This morning I saw my dad again, and last night I had a terrible dream."

"What was it like when you saw your father again?" she asked me.

"It was bizarre. He left exactly 10 years ago, right before my seventh birthday. I'm surprised I knew it was him and that I knew what he looked like."

"Well our minds can play horrible tricks on us and it may have been your subconscience telling you it was him."

I nodded, agreeing I guess to whatever she was saying. I still needed to find out why this was happening.

"Can you tell me about your dream?" she continued.

"It's kind of hard to remember...." I say, feeling ym mind get fuzzy when I tried to think about it.

"Just take your time and think." she says patiently.

I exhale, "Well, I don't really know where I was, but it was dark and I was talking to someone. They looked scary and their face was contorted and their eyes were black holes. And...when I asked who they were...they turned into, like, smoke. It was all swirling around the room and covering me."

My hands felt clammy and I started to feel warm where as I had previously felt chilly.

"Well, Payton, our hour is up! I'm just going to talk to your mom and have you on your way!"


The next few days had been extremely boring. I was put back on my Seroquel, as the doctor and my therapist said that my bipolar disorder had returned. In my own mind, that still didn't answer many questions. What was with me and food? And what's with the dream and hallucinations? They honestly wouldn't tell me anything.

But I had been surpisingly calm, and I hadn't had any manic sessions (thats what they called it when I went crazy). I had been pretty content and had gone to my therapist everyday since that first time and had nothing new to tell her.

I hadn't talked to Carter all that much, I kept to myself mostly. I stayed home from school the whole week  and he said on Monday that everyone was going crazy because I wasn't there and Paul was fuming. Carter left before lunch because it just wasn't worth staying. But I had stayed in my house mostly, talking to my mom and sister only so that I didn't become too anti-social, which was bound to happen anyways though.

On Sunday evening I came back up to my room slowly, dressed in my clean pajamas I had put on after my shower. I layed across my bed and opened up my window wide, feeling the cool breeze hit my face. I knocked on Carter's closed window and saw him walk across his bedroom to open it, he smiled when he saw me.

"Hey, how have you been?" he said softly.

I nodded, "Good." I tried to just calm down my life and not get too worked up about anything. So far it had been going great and I had simplified my life, making it so much easier to not get hung up on little things.

"Are you going back tomorrow?" he asked, referring to school.

I nod again, "I can't tell if this is good or just a major mistake."

He smiled, "How are your feelings towards...what happened?" he asked hesitantly.

I shrugged, "Honestly, I think I'm fine. I'm not afraid of Paul either so I guess he can't hurt me anymore."

He rolled his eyes and laughed to himself, "So I'll see you in the morning?"

"Yeah, I'm allowed to drive so be outside the usual time."

He nodded, saying goodnight and closing his window.

I closed my window also, closing the curtain so that I wouldn't be blinded in the morning. I curled up under my covers, feeling the coziness all over me. I couldn't imagine what the day would be like tomorrow, hopefully people would just leave me alone. But that was very unlikely, so I had to come up with a story.

Hopefully everyone could just go along with it.


The next morning I woke up with a fresh feeling all over. I spoiled myself and had my favorite blueberry pancakes for breakfast, and then got dressed in a simple outfit that kept me comfy.

I threw on my black leggins, an oversized tan sweater and my brown ankle boots. No makeup was required, because like I said, I wanted to keep my life simple from now on.

I headed downstairs with my books in my hands to find Stephanie already ready to go.

"You ready?" she asked, and I nodded my head, leading us out the door. I followed, finding Carter outside waiting for us.

"Hey" I say when I pass him down at the driveway. He smiles, making my insides all warm.

We get into the car and Stephanie tells Carter the plan, explaining to him that since the three of us were the only people who knew what really happened to me, all we had to do was tell people that I was sick. 

"Just sick?" Carter asked as we made our way to school.

"Just sick. And if people find out what happened with Paul, tell them it had nothing to do with it, and that she got the flu over the weekend, and that's why she missed so much school."

I felt kind of bad that I had nothing to do with the plan, and that Stephanie felt like she had to do this for me. Honestly, I probably would have come up with something right on the spot the first time someone asked me and just stuck to it. But Stephanie was the smart one, so she took control of this.

I glanced in the rear-view mirror at Carter and saw a soft smile on his lips, like he was remembering something that made him happy. I smiled too, and for some reason seeing him happy made me just as happy.

I pulled into the student parking lot and found a spot that looked far away from everyone else. Apparently, it wasn't far enough because once they found out it was me coming out of the car, everyone came swarming aorund like bees. They asked me questions like where I was, what I was doing and if I was okay. I was home, I was sick, and yes I was fine I would say. I pushed through the crowds of people, trying to make my way to the school building. I flinched when I felt a hand close around my arm, but then relaxed when I saw it was Tiffany.

"Everyone, leave! Whatever Payton was doing is none of your business and does not concern you. Just leave her alone!" she yelled to the crowd. They eventually filtered out, and everyone began to mind their own business.

"So, why were you out?" Tiffany asked once we got ourselves together to go to class.

I rolled my eyes at the irony of her question. "I was sick, Tiff." I say.

"I don't buy it. Was it alcohol poisoning?"

I gasped, "Are you serious? Of course not! Don't go spreading that around, it's not true! I got home Frday just fine and then got the flu over the weekend."

"Okay, okay, you know I believe you, I just had to ask."


Please comment and vote! I don't know why but it took me forever to write this chapter, I hope you guys like it! :)

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