Chapter Fourteen - Unexpected Faces and Tortured Fate

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"Paul? Paul...please...stop." I say weakly. As my feet leave the ground I let out a low whimper, afraid I may be reaching the end. My vision is still blurry, but I see the sky moving above me and the stars spinnging like tops on a dark blue counter. 

I feel aware of arms around me, but I can't tell who it is. Maybe it's a police officer saving me, no one else cares about me enough right now since I push everyone away. Or maybe it is Paul, taking me away to a quieter and less busy place to finish me off and let me lay there and die. Honestly, it doesn't sound like a bad idea to me. I was half-dead right now anyways, or at least that's what it felt like.


"Who are you?" I ask, facing the mysterious figure. They looked familair, brown hair with clear skin and plump lips but her eyes were dark holes. 

"Who are you?" I asked again, trying to keep my voice from trembling. Her head turned towards me, and even though she had no pupils I could tell she was staring into my eyes. I knew who it was, but I couldn't put my finger one it.

The figure's lips durled up into a miscevious smile. The face sinched in in the center and then the mouth opened wide and let out an ear piercing scream, the mouth was black and seemed to want to swallow me whole. I tried to turn and run but my feet were glued to the ground.

I turned to the figure and screamed at the sight of skin that was once covering the girl now pilled on the ground and a black cloud floating above it wrapping its way around me, the mouth still open wide. 

My shrieks shook me violently out of my sleep, and I found myself in a cold sweat.

It was all just a dream. But about what? It freightened me that I already knew the answer. Me

I exhaled slowly and took a few deep breaths before turning on my side and pulling the covers up to my chin. My throat was dry and I probably couldn't make any words even if I wanted to.

"Another bad dream?" I heard a soft voice ask. I opened my eyes and saw Carter sitting at a desk, watching me with a concerned expression as I tried to slow down my breathing.

I nodded my head slowly and began to sit up, suddenly feeling a rush of blood go to my head. I put a hand to my head, suddenly realizing I wasn't in my room...and I wasn't in my clothes. I looked down at the dark grey, oversized t-shirt I was wearing with just my underwear and rubbed my hand along my stomach, suddenly self conscious. 

I looked at him again, and tried to ask him what I was doing here, but my throat was too dry and it left me with my mouth hanging open, so I quickly shut it. He got up quietly and cautiously sat down on the bed, an awkward amount of space away. 

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Carter asked hesitantly. I nodded slowly, the memories flooding back and the tears welling up in my eyes. His eyes showed so much sympathy that it pushed me over the edge and did something I hadn't done for real in so long. I cried.

He leaned against the wall next to his bed and I crawled into his lap, sobbing into his chest and gripping his shirt for dear life. He rubbed my back softly and played with my hair, trying to calm me down. His embrace felt so warm and comforting, so natural that I wished I could stay like this forever.

After an immeasurable amount of time spent crying on him, I had run out of tears and suddenly felt tired. I sniffed my nose and then looked up to find him looking back at me. I still felt like crap but I managed to give him a small smile. He looked at me like I was crazy but then laughed to himself. Pulling back the comforter, Carter tucked me back into the bed and listened to me when I told him I wanted him to sleep next to me. Being that it was the middle of the night, we got to sleep for a good six more hours.


"Payton? Payton!" Carter's low voice woke me up suddenly. I looked around and realized I was still in his bedroom where I had fallen asleep last night. "Payton! Your mom's calling for you!"

 He signaled towards the window and I slowly got out of bed, taking my dress off the floor and takign it back into my room with me. "Thank you, Carter." I say quietly.

He smiles, "If you need me, just holler." That was a bizarre side of Carter I had never seen before, but hopefully it wouldn't disappear too soon, I kind of liked it.

My bedroom door opened suddenly and I turned to see my dad standing there.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean? I'm coming to see how you're doing." he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"No, I mean what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in San Fransisco?"

"I've been here the whole time, Payton, what on earth are you talking about?" his eyes widen as he steps further into my room.

"Don't make me sound crazy, dad. I know you left on that business trip, why are you back here?" I said, my voice suddenly shaking. I scratched the top of my head, trying to make myself think straight.

"Payton, I've been back all along."

"You left ten years ago!" I scream. My hands grip into my hair and I pull it, continuing to scream at the top of my lungs.

I collapse to my knees and my bedroom door swings open again, to reveal my mom looking frantic and my dad nowhere in sight.

"Payton, baby, are you alright?!" my mother drops to her knees beside me, gently removing my hands from my hair.

"Mom...they're back." I say, my voice shaky and quiet.

"What's back?"

"The pictures, the feelings." I say, my voice feeling dead asmy body slumps to the floor.

"I'll go ge the perscription the doctor ordered and then I call Dr. Schefter." her eyes widened and she shuffeled out of my room quickly.

She returned and gave me my two pills before leaving again and going into her bedroom, my guess was to call the psychiatrist.

Why had it started again? And what was with the vision of my dad. He was gone for 10 years, maybe the incident with Paul had brought it back to the surface? I shuddered, remembering both the memories and feeling like I wanted to kill myself right now.

I walked, slightly dazed, downstairs and sat at the counter with my water and fruit salad. I began to take the first pill when Stephanie came in yelling.

"Payton Reese what are you doing?!" she came over to the counter with her hands on her hips.

"Eating breakfast." I say before returning back to my fruit.

"Okay, one? It's 12:30. Two? That's not even a good breakfast! And three, why are you taking those pills, Payton? Do you rememebr them almost killing you a few days ago?"

"I have to take them now."

"You do?"

"Yeah, it's back."


Okay, so this story is taking a turn that I had no idea on taking...but I kind of like it. :) Hope you guys do too <3

And thank you guys soo much for all the comments and votes and everything! The comments number is red which I'm guessing is a good thing! Please continue I love hearing what you guys think :)

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