Chapter Thirteen - Crazy Fights and Catching Clothing

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By the time Thursday night had come around, I was so ready to get back to school. I wasn't sure if everyone knew what had happened, but I needed to keep my rep up and make myself sound good, so I needed to be there to get the job done.

If I was worried that the reason Carter wouldn't kiss me was because I looked terrible, I had nothing to fret over. My skin was fine and I looked exactly the same. No added pimples or hair frizz. Just slightly red eyes from stinging contacts, but I could deal with that minor problem.

The next morning I woke up and got ready for school, making sure I dressed hot so that I could easily convince people that nothing was wrong.

I drove Stephanie and I to school and as soon as I walked into the building I was crashed into by a head of blonde hair. I held on to a locker nearby in order not to fall.

"PAYTON I'VE BEEN SO WORRIED!!!" Tiffany's voice screeched through my eardrums. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?"

"It was no big deal. I partied a little too hard and passed out. My parents freaked and took me to the hospital and wouldn't let me go to school yesterday. Whatever!" I say, brushing it off like it was no big deal.

"Well as long as you're okay." she said, and then I headed down the hall to my locker.

"Hey, you're still coming tonight, right?" I heard Johnny's voice behind me and I grimaced, figuring he wouldn't even care to as how I was.

"Yeah, I'm still meeting him, right?" I asked without looking to him, refering to Paul.

"Yeah, he said he'll find you."

"Cool." and with that he left down the hall.


"Tiff, I have no idea what to wear!" I exclaim into the phone. I was walking to the party in a little over an hour and I had yet to figure out what to wear. I figured since the house was just a few blocks away it would be safest to walk there.

"What are your options?" I heard her voice come through the line.

I fingered through the dress section of my closet, dressed in only my underwear and a t-shirt. "Uhhhh...I have that purple and blue cocktail dress we bought together last month..."

"Not sexy enough"

"...or that high-low red and black dress we bought..."

"Too casual."

"....or..." I picked up the perfect dress, "Tiff, I got it." I looked at the tight, long sleeved dress and knew it was perfect.

I hung up with Tiffany, still not understanding why her parents wouldn't let her go, and pulled it on. It was a light, sweatery material in the color grey that came down a little above mid-thigh and had tight, long sleeves. It had small bohemian detailing around the neckline and hems, making it seem casual but fancy at the same time. It went perfect with my crimped hair, and now all I had left to do was my makeup.

"Where are you going?" I heard a voice behind me and spun around to see Carter sitting on my window sill.

"Why do you care?" I say, turning back to the mirror, the bitterness obvious in my voice.

"You shouldn't be going out, you just left the hospital yesterday."

"I went to school today, didn't I? And besides, I feel fine." I say, going into my closet and picking out a pair of black pumps to go with the dress.

"Speaking of school, am I and your family the only people who know the real reason you went to the hospital?" he came into my room and raised an eyeborw at me.

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