Chapter Twenty Two - Dares and Scares

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"Have you guys done it yet?"

"Excuse me?" I whip my head around at my locker and see Tiffany.

"I said...have you guys done it yet?" she asked again, impatiently.

"If by it you mean sex, then no. We have not done it yet."

"Well you have to give me all the details when it happens. I'm sure it will happen soon."

"Honesty Tiffany, I don't know if I will be telling you. Or anyone. I'm not sure who I can trust right now. And what do you mean you're sure it will happen soon?" I say, closing my locker and looking at her.

"I mean, usually when you get with a guy you have sex. It's just the way it works. I'm actually surprised you haven't yet." A smug look crossed her face and I was so pissed off I wanted to slap it right off.

I scowl at her, "I'm not a slut, I'm not just having sex with every guy. Whose side are you on?"

"I don't know. It's just people don't really like Carter-"

"Except the people who care about him. Which I do. I don't need you or the rest of the school telling me who I can and can't be with, just because Paul thinks he's in charge of everything." I push by her and storm down the hall. People gave me looks, but I didn't care, I was pissed.

"Payton, what's going on?" Max's familiar voice comes from beside me. I turn and see him and Danny leaning up against lockers watching me.

"I'm so pissed at Paul." 

"Yeah, we gathered that you're pissed, but why Paul again? Is it because of Carter?"

"He thinks he can control my life and tells me I can't date Carter. Like, I shouldnt even care but who the hell does he think he is?!"

"Yeah I heard, Carter told us you uh, said the little words."

"Yes I did, now pease let me get back to my work. I'll see you guys later."

Danny followed after me, Max not far behind, "Woah, Payton, slow down. What are you going to do?"

"Tell him off."

I continued to storm down the hall until I came to Paul's locker to find him surrounded by girls and all of his friends.

"Hey!" I call, and the people move back so we can see eachother. "Who do you think you are? Trying to rule my life. You can't tell me what to do. I do what I want."

"Not if you want to stay at the top you don't. Remember when you used to rule this school? When all these people used to be yours?" he slowly stepped toward me, "Well now they're gone, and you're quickly sinking down to the bottom where you came from. Right back to where you belong."

I slapped him across the face and came close so I didn't have to yell and only he heard me. "These people might not follow me anymore, but at least they know I went down fighting for something. And if they're gonna follow someone as morally weak as you, I don't want them. You don't own me, I made this choice for me, not because anyone told me to." I watch him as he rubs his face and then walk away with a satisfied feeling inside of me.

My stomach was flaring up with butterflies, and as I returned back to Max and Danny, the hallway started to spin a little. I started fumbling through my bag to look for my pills, but I couldn't find the bottle. My knees got weak and Danny caught me on his arm.

"Look for the pill bottle in my bag and get me one," I said in a daze. I feel him rummaging through my purse on my arm and he pulls something out.

"There's only one left." he says

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