Chapter Two - Broken Bonds

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"Is it water and oxygen or water and carbon dioxide that's used in photosynthesis?!" I asked myself, frustrated, "Why do I even care? Who even gives a shit?" I yell, throwing my head back onto my pillow and letting out a long sigh.

I had a huge biology test tomorrow, and I had been studying so much this past week trying to make all the information stick in my brain.

"Are you okay, Payt?" Stephanie asked, opening my bedroom door.

"Do you ever knock? And I'm studying for bio." I sneered at her, sitting back up. I didn't have time to hear about how she didn't need to study because science came naturally to her.

"Haven't you been studying for that stupid test all week?" she asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Not all of us are nerdy geeks who spend all of school learning. Some of us actually have a social life and like to have friends." I say, raising an eyebrow and challenging her to answer. It worked though, because she scowled and turned around, slamming the door behind her.

I looked back at my books, "It's water and carbon dioxide used in photosynthesis to create oxygen and glucose. I know this. I can do this." I exhaled and breathed deeply, realizing that I had studied a lot, and that I knew everything to pass. I was only making myself paranoid but staying up and overstudying.

I closed my books and got into bed, the clock read 10:45. Early for me, usually I was up a whole hour later, but I figured I should get some sleep so I wasn't faling asleep on my desk.


"Oh my gosh, Payt, he's so hot! You must have your eye on him!" my friend Tiffany said.

"Hm?" I asked, looking up from my bio book.

"Him." she said, letting out a drawn out sigh,

I look to where she's pointing to, "Carter? Please. He's so not worth your time." I say, closing my locker and starting to walk down the hall to where I was taking the bio test first period.

"But look at him!" Tiffany says, shuffing quickly down the hall after me.

I rolled my eyes when she couldn't see me. I had to admit, Carter was gorgeous, and even standing in a group of guys and girls who were supposed to be the hottest in our school, he still stood out above all the rest. I wondered how he got in with that group of popular kids. For anyone else it would be like swimming across the Pacific Ocean; practically impossible. 

I scowled to myself, remembering how I used to look up to them, think of them as the most important people in the world. But now I, and everyone else, knew that I was above them. Those girls looked at me like they wanted to rip my throat out with their teeth, but that just made it all the more fun.

          CARTER'S POV:

"So, Carter, where did you move from?" one girl to my left asked me.

"New Jersey" I said to the girl, not paying attention. The girls were swooning over me, it was so obvious. It wasn't even first period and I had become friends with who I expected to be some of the most popular kids in school. I wasn't really into that whole 'popular group' thing, but if it got me more chicks I could deal with it.

"Hello? Earth to Carter?" the girl next to me said. Was I really staring at the girl again?

"Please don't get caught up in her. She has a boyfriend." another girl next to me said. But I continued to watch her long brown hair flowing behind her. She walked with an authority that everyone seemed to know she had.

"Who's her boyfriend?" I asked the girl, I didn't know her name.

"Paul. The one and only. It figures the queen bee dates the football quarterback. It's just too cliche." she rolled her eyes.

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