Chapter Seventeen - Sneaks and Secrets Revealed

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"Shhhh" I shush Carter as we head to my front door, "I don't think my parents are home, but just to be safe stay very quiet." 

I open up the door slowly and he closes it behind him. I checked around the living room and kitchen to find no one home, "They must still be at work." I tell Carter as I help him up the stairs into my bedroom. My mind's running wild as we make our way in and close the door behind us.

"Just sit on the floor and try not to get blood all over my room. I'm going to go find a first aid kit." I say, leaving and heading into my bathroom before I would lose it. 

I swear I'm going crazy. Maybe it was just me, but I could feel the sexual tension between me and Carter. Maybe not sexual, but I definitely felt something on my end. And it was a different kind of feeling, like I actually liked him. Like one of those stupid middle school crushes. I felt myself attracted to him in a different way than I just wanted to make out with him. I blushed in the mirror when I found myself thinking about kissing him, and tried to push it out of my mind as I looked for the first aid kit I could have sworn was in my bathroom.

I couldn't find it under my sink, so I checked in the hall closet and found it pushed to the back of the bottom shelf.

I walked back into my room and was more than startled when I found Carter shirtless sitting on my floor leaning up against my bed and blotting his bleeding chest with his shirt. Stupid me, I was watching him bleed and instead of rushing to help him, I went over slowly, taking in the beauty of his bare chest.

"Does it hurt?" I ask Carter when I kneel down next to him. Stupid girl brain of mine! Of course it hurt! He was visibly wincing in pain. I take out the antiseptic, and I see Carter eyeing it.

"It's not that bad." he says, refering to the wound, but his voice rises at the end and he sucks a quick breath in when I begin cleaning out the cuts with the strong antiseptic.

"They aren't too deep, so it shouldn't take long." I say in my most calm voice. But I look at the three cuts going across his chest and know the process won't be very quick.

Despite the cuts, his chest was very beautiful. I had to control myself to keep from sighing at the fact that I was just so close to him. 

He seemed to calm down, and stopped shuddering at the stinging after a little while. And sometime between me cleaning the first cut and me swooning over his perfectly sculpted chest muscles, he began to talk to me.

"You seem kind of different." he said, causing me to pause slightly, confused by what exactly he was saying. When he noticed my hesitation, he continued, "Not in a bad way! At all actually. Kind of in a good way. I like it." This made me smile and blush, something I had not done in a while.

But me, being a control freak had to ask questions, "What do you mean?"

"Like...I dont just seem more down to earth. Like I can really talk to you. You know, I haven't really been able to talk to anyone, but recently you seem really comforting."

"You can talk to me about anything. I hope you know that." I say, focusing on being the friend that I hoped he would be for me too. I hope that didn't put me in the friend zone...

"A few years ago when I was twelve, my younger brother and my dad got into a car accident and died, I've never been the same since. I've put up this...this front and I pushed everyone away, even girls. But I feel lke you're the one person I actually cared for, as crazy as that sounds. You're a lot different than I originally expected." he finishes by taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, leaning his head back against by bed.

Immediately, the little girl butterflies were going crazy in my stomach, and I couldn't help but let a huge smile come over my face. But then the words began to sink in and a guilty look crossed my face, my eyes wide.

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