Chapter Sixteen - Fights and Forgetfulness

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The first day back had gone surprisingly well. More people asked me what happened, but as far as I knew Stephanie and Carter were spreading the same story and saying I was sick, so that's what they were all believing. But now, as me and Tiffany walked together after last period to our cars, all I wanted was to go home. Stephanie had asked me if I wanted her to come home wth me, but I told her that I was fine and that she should stay late at school. 

"So now I have four tests next Monday. You'd think they'd check to make sure they didn't overload us all on one day." Tiffany complained as we left through the back doors heading to the student lot.

"So just make sure to plan your time well and study for each test a little every night." I say.

"Yeah. Right." she says and I roll my eyes, knowing she would never take my advice. 

My attention goes to a crowd of kids all surrounding something in the middle of the lot, talking to each other and pointing to something in the middle of the circle.

"What's going on?" I wonder aloud.

"Probably some stupid kids having a fight again." I nod, guessing that she was right.

"I don't have a problem!" I hear someone yell. My head snaps in the direction of the voice, recognizing it instantly.

"No" I hiss, my heart rate picking up. I push theough the crowd of people, trying to get to the center to see what's going on. I was shocked by the scene in front of me. 

Paul and Carter were standing across from each other, people surrounding them egging them on to fight.

"I don't want to fight you, man" Carter says, putting his hands up and backing away.

"Not so tough now are you? Maybe I should call over you're little girlfriend to make you want to fight." I flinch at the reference to me.

Carter's hands clench into fists at his side, and I see his jaw clench and a muscle pulse in his neck. "Don't talk about her like that. I'll kill you."

"There's the fighter I knew was inside of you." Paul says casually, laughing to himself. I see him pull something out of his poclet and gasps when I see him open up his switchblade. He takes a swing towards Carter, but I'm not close enough to tell if it cut him.

"Paul!" I scream, but he doesn't hear me. I was tugging against Tiffany's restraining grasp trying to pull me away, but I couldn't keep my voice from screeming every time he took a lunge for Carter. 

Then, without hesitating, Carter swings his left fist and it collides with the side of Paul's face, swinging his head in my direction and I see that he has an instant bloody nose. I gag, and see Paul look at me, finally noticing I was there.

He regains his balnce and a sly smirk comes onto his face. I'm suddenly scared as Paul turns to me and gestures for me to come to him. Despite Carter's pleading look for me not to, I step into the circle, a plan forming in my head.

"Hey, babydoll." he says. I internally flinch, but try and keep my cool. With the hand with the knife in it, he rubs my cheek with his thumb. I think he was careful not to hit me with the blade, but it still scared me having it so close to my face. I couldn't move, my legs were frozen. 

"Don't touch her!" I hear Carter yell and it sounds like he's coming towards us. Paul acts on his words, placing his hand on the back of my neck and pulling me to his chest. The blade hit me a little on the cheek, but there was only a small amount of blood.  He smashes my face to his chest and I'm overcome with rage, fed up with the fat that he thinks he can treat me like that.

With an impulse that came out of nowhere, I stepped back, grabbed his wrist with the knife in it and turned him around so my arm was held aroudn his neck in a choke lock. He was bent backwards and I was twisting the arm he had the knife in. 

"Drop the knife, Paul. Just drop to knife." I say into his ear. He hesitates and I twist harder, hearing him let out a small squeak. After another moment I hear the switchblade drop to the ground and I instantly unravel my arm, kick the blade away with my foot and start to retreat from him.

By this time, I could hear teachers approaching and I hurry away. I grab Carter's arm and we take off towards my car, which thankfully was parked on the far side of the parking lot. I climb into the driver's seat and let out a large exhale as Carter slips in the passenger seat. 

"Okay, so what the hell was that?!" Carter exclaims. I look over at him and see him holding his chest.

"Oh my god, Carter! You're bleeding!" I yell. I start the car and start to pull out, my mind running wild.

"Payton, I know you're not thinking straight, just stop."

"What do you mean I'm not thinking straight?! What did I do!?" I slam the brakes and look at him.

"You don't remember?! You just almost choked Paul just to get him to drop the knife!" I look down at my hands and slump down on my seat.

I exhale, "Are you okay, though?" I ask him.

He takes a quick breath in and I hear him groan. I look over to see blood on his hand and I almost pass out before turnign back to the road and taking off again, speeding towards my house.

 So much for keeping my life melow.


Comment! I want to know what you gusy think! Not sure when it's goign to end, but it's not going to drown on forever. <3

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