Chapter Three - Unappreciated Siblings

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"Class, before I return your tests, I want to say that I was somewhat pleased with the results. The class average was an 88." my science techer said a few minutes before class was over.

I rolled my eyes. I was lucky if I got an 88, considering my last grade was a 57...

I waited as each student got called up to get their tests, the room silent. My hands began to feel clammy, and my anxiety began to increase. The walls felt like they were closing in, and the only thing I wanted was for the teacher to call my name.

"Payton," Mrs. Kelly called my name, signalling it was my turn to come up and get my test. I stood up tall and walked toward her desk, my shoes hitting the floor below me making the only noise. I grabbed the test paper and rolled it closed, not wanting to look.

I returned to my seat, watching more kids get called up to get their tests. Taking a deep breath I opened the paper and looked for the red ink at the top.


Oh. My. Gosh.

It took all of my self control not to jump out of my chair, scream and hug the teacher for not failing me. A broad smile came to my face as I hugged the paper to my chest and then put it away in my folder right as the bell rang.

I was on cloud nine as I left the biology room and made my way down the hallway towards my next class.

"Hey, Payton, can we talk for a second?" I looked up to see Paul standing there with a smug smile and anxious look on his face. I knew that whatever he wanted to talk about would ruin the day and put me in a bad mood. I was almost expecting it now after we had even the smallest of conversations.

"Sure, I was just on my way to English. What's up?"

He pulled me to the side of the hallway where it was less crowded. "Payton, I think we need to take a break."

It was that feeling again. That yearning, the painful feeling of falling. Falling away from everything you worked so hard for.

"What?" I choked out. "Why? What's the matter?!" my voice rose in pitch and Paul looked around, as if checking to make sure no one saw what was happening. 

"I just...don't think this is working out." he said simply, avoiding my attempts to catch his gaze.

"Why? Is there someone else?" I saked, suddenly becoming frustrated he wouldn't give me an aswer as to why I wasn't good enough.

He looked down to the floor and opened his mouth to speak, but closed it quickly, realizing he had nothing to say.

"Holy f/uck Paul! I can't believe you!" I yelled, taking a step away from him. "Who's the skank? And why do you think she'd ever be better than me?" I say, trying to calm myself down. I was the hottest girl in school, there was no way he could ever find anyone better.

"Calm down, Payton. People are starting to stare." he said, giving me an anxious look.

"Good. Let them. They should know you're a whore." I say strongly.

"You're making a way bigger deal than is necessary."

"I don't back down easily." I say with a smirk. With one last look I walk past him, making my way to class.

I took my time, not wanting to look flustered when I got to class. I stopped quickly in the bathroom, checking myself to make sure no makeup had smudged. 

I wouldn't allow myself to shed a tear for Paul. I had seen it coming, I just didn't know it would happen so soon, and so abruptly. Maybe I had slightly overreacted, but I didn't want him to see me upset, so I got angry instead. Now it wouldn't look like I had cowered down to him.

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