Chapter Four - Diner with a Side of Secrets

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"Oh, Vanessa, it's so wonderful to finally have you two over!" my mom said to Carter's mom as she sat down at the table.

We all sat at my small, round dinner table. Stephanie next to me, me next to Carter, Carter next to his mom, our mothers next to eachother and Jim on the other side of Stephanie.

"Thanks so much for inviting us Christine!" 

I looked at the huge amount of food inf front of us. My mom had prepared her signature chicken dish, everyone who ate it loved it. Carter smirked at me when he noticed my mothers choice in meat.

"Pass the string beans, please?" Stephanie asked and I passed the dish, noticing the awkward silence at the table as everyone began to eat.

A small squeal escaped my lips as Carters hand rested on my knee and inched up my thigh.

"Are you okay Payton?" my mother asked, a concerned look on her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say, waving her away as I poked Carter's hand with my fork to get it off. He pulled it off immediately and I smiled a devious smile as he returned a look of shock. Stephanie caught my eye and raised her eyebrow, but I just shook my head, wanting to keep it my secret. 

For some reason butterflies appeared in my stomach, and goosebumps rose on my skin when he touched me. I shook my head, wanting the yearning for him to touch my skin again to go away. 

Embarrassed by the thoughts running through my mind, I tried to hide my blush and serve myself some more food.

"Payton, honey, don't you think you've taken enough food already?" my mother says, an honest look on her face.

"Excuse me?" I say, my head snapping in her direction. I glanced down to my plate, it wasn't even half full.

"Well, don't make a scene. I'm just looking out for you." she says.

"You've already made a scene. And I can look out for myself." I spat back at her. I looked around the table to see everyone avoiding my gazes. 

It took all my effort not to get up from the dinner table immediately. The rest of the dinner was mostly silent, not to my surprise.

After I had cleared most of the plates, and placed them in the dishwasher, I excused myself, making my way to the upstairs bathroom.

I felt so disgusting, my mom was right, I did eat to much food all the time.

I locked the door behind me, taking a deep breath.

How could I have allowed myself to eat like a pig? In front of company too. 'Don't you think that's enought food?'

I took the hair elastic off my wrist and tied my hair back.

I hadn't done this in months, not since the past summer. Not since everything had turned wrong. But your still disqusting and fat so it's necessary. You should have never stopped because you've always been disgusting and you always will be.

I found a toothbrush form the caninet and the sat on my knees in front of the toilet. After taking a deep breath I stuck the back end deep down my throat, multiple times untill I felt the satisfying gag. 

I felt my stomach heave and watched as the food spewed out of me. I gripped the bowl with my hands, feeling weak.

I stood up, my legs feeling like jelly beneath me, and found mouthwash under the sink. I swished out the bad taste and all the guilty feelings, hating the way I felt after making myself throw up. But it was necessary, I kept reminding myself of that.

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