Chapter Twenty Three - End of Pain, End of Insane

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Carter opened the door slowly and walked inside. I had to do a double take when I saw his mom in the bed, she looked barely alive, hanging on by a thread.

"It's a miracle she made it. She's going to be fine, but it will be a hard recovery." the doctor who was in there said to us as we walked in. "Are you her son?"

"Yes, I'm Carter, and this is Payton." he gestured to me. I felt him trembling next to me and his hand start to shake inside of mine.

I took him in my arms and he cried on my shoulder as the doctor slipped out of the room quietly. I wish I could just make all the pain go away. I'd take all the pain inside of myself if it meant he'd never have to feel like this.

"I just want her better. She's all I have" he mumbled into my shirt.

I pulled back and looked at him. "You're wrong. You have me."

He stared into my eyes and then gave me a soft kiss on the lips. He turned back to his mother.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, "I'll give you a minute alone, I've got to take this call, it's my mom." I slipped outside and checked the caller ID to see it was actually my mom.

"Hello?" I barely got the words out before I heard my mother's voice on the other end.

"Are you crazy? The lady from school just called me, how could you leave school in the middle of the day?!"

"Mom, it was an emergency. I had to drive Carter to the hospital, him mother got into an accident."

There was a slight pause on the other end. "An accident?"

"Yes. But stay home, she's going to be okay, just a difficult recovery is all. Carter's upset though."

"Well I'm glad you're there for him, I just wish you didn't have to leave school to do it."

"I'm sorry, mom" there was a moment of silence and then I remembered, "Hey, mom, I used my last pill today so you need to get me more."


"My pills. I took the last one today so I need you to call in my perscription."

"Payton, you're supposed to tell me when you have a week's worth left. It takes time to get a perscription and now you're going to be a week without pills. This is not good." I could almost fel her pacing around our kitchen throught the phone.

The thouhg of that made me dizzy, but she said she would handle it.

"I'll call Dr. Schefter and see if she can get a rush order for you."

"Thanks, mom. I'll be home soon, promise." I hung up and took a deep breath.

One week without pills. That's a long time. Even if I did get a rush order that's still a few days. God knows what's going to happen to me. I have to get home, and fast.

"Carter?" I opened the door slowly  and stepped in to see him holding his mother's motionless hand on the bed. "I have to run home, do you want me to take you home? Or pick you up later?"

"What am I going to do at home? My mom is here I have no one to go home to." he said. He said it with a sharp edge to his voice, was he mad at me?

"I'm sorry. I just really have to go home. It's an emergency. I really shouldn't be driving but I don't expect you to leave your mom so I'm just gonna go." I said in a rushed voice. I opened the door back up and looked back at him.

"Wait," he got up and came over to me, "I'm sorry, that was mean. What's going on?"

"I'm all out of pills." I sounded like a drug addict going through withdrawal.

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