Chapter 22

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I was in complete shock as I sat on the bed I probably just sat like that for about a hour just thinking about so many things I was angry and sad and just disgusted.

Another hour passed and no sign of Grayson as yet. I lay down on the bed and scroll through my pictures of Grayson and I we were so happy at one point in our lives how did things turn out like this. I lock my phone to see it's already 10pm guess he isn't coming home tonight. I walk over to his cupboard and grab a blanket. I couldn't help but let out a tear I've been crying so much lately. I close my eyes and slowly drift asleep.


I wake up to loud rumbling I look at Grayson looking for something in his cupboard. I grab my phone to see that it's 6 in the morning. Grayson turns around and sees me looking at him. "What are you looking for" "Clothes" "when did you come home" "now" I sigh and lay back down on the bed. He gets dressed in a shorts and lays down next to me. He reeked of her perfume, I turn my back towards him and cried silently he has no respect for me whatsoever being with her and now he has the audacity to lay down next to me. A small hiccup left my mouth I feel him move towards me.

"Bella are you crying" I quickly wipe away my tears and contain myself. "No what makes you think that." "I can hear you, You don't need to lie" I sit up with my back against the headboard. "You were with her Grayson." "Last time I checked I was a single man." Those words hit me and it hit me hard. "We are broken up for not even a day and you already with somebody else and not even anybody your ex the one person that ruined everything for us." "And your point is what exactly Isabella."

"You are a real asshole you know that. Here I am trying to fight for our family I tried I asked you last night to give this another chance and your refused. You went and had sex with Madison, you are a lying piece of shit and I hate you for this." "That's Okay with me." At this point I was fuming I get out of bed standing at the edge of it. "I HATE YOU I FUCKING HATE YOU. I FEEL SORRY FOR OUR CHILD SHE OR HE WILL GROW UP KNOWING THAT THERE DAD IS A DICK."

The door swings open and in walks Lisa and my mom. "What is going on here it's 6 in the morning what's with all the screaming." I look back at Grayson and shake my head. "Sorry if we woke you guys up just having a little disagreement." "It doesn't sound like a disagreement what is really going on with the two of you Izzy." My mom asks not know that Grayson and I have split up. "Mom Grayson and I are not together anymore we actually haven't been on good terms ever since we got back from Mexico." I see disappointment wash over her face. "What's the reason for your breakup." She finally speaks.

"He uhm I walked on him and his ex about to have sex and I found out last night that he went to go her again and they actually had sex." I could see the anger in both our moms eyes. "Grayson Bailey Dolan I did not raise you to treat woman this way I am disappointed in you. You going to be a father how would you feel if a guy treated your daughter this way. I feel sick to my stomach I can't even look at you right now." I look down feeling guilty for putting him on blast. "Isabella I think it's best that you go sleep inside." My mom says as she grabs my arm gently and pulls me out.

"Mom I don't want you to hate Grayson because of this please." "I could never hate him Izzy, I just won't see him as the person I saw when I first met him." I nod my head and walk to Ethan room knowing that he is probably asleep. I open the door to see him and Paisley all cuddled up together. I quick take a picture and lay down at the foot of the bed. I hope these two idiots don't kick me for safety precautions I will lay with my back towards there feet.

I wake up feeling fresh and not tired at all I grab my phone to see it's 4 in the afternoon damn I basically almost slept the day away. I get out of bed and grab a few things heading to the bathroom. I take a quick shower, I look down at my tiny little bump that already formed. "Hey sweet angel you probably can't hear me but know that I love you and I am grateful you came into my life." I get dressed and walk back to Ethan room. "Can I come in" I hear Grayson voice from behind. "It's your house." He walks in and sits down on the bed.

"What do you want Grayson." "To apologize for yesterday and this morning I know I have been a dick to you and I just want you to hate me Isabella I don't want you to fight for us because I am done fighting for us." "I was never fighting for us Grayson there is where you got it all wrong I was fighting for a family I was fighting so that our unborn child can be loved by both her parents by her mother and father that is so head over heels in love to have a stable family. To grow up in a house together like we did to know that her parents love each other more then anything. We don't know what it's like to have a broken home but our kid will he or she will have to be divided between two families that will never see eye to eye ever."

"We can be civil about that Isabella." "Civil about what sharing our kid." "Don't say it like that" "then how should I say it Grayson. Please let me know."

"All that I am saying is that I don't want to be with you Isabella and I will say this again I am not going to fight for you. I am happy now being with Madison."

I felt as if he took a dagger and just stabbed me right in the heart. "I wish you all the best with your relationship Grayson." Was all I said before storming out the door.

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